Alphabet File page 4
Alfred, Mrs. and two children and Mrs. Reuter, of New Orleans, are spending awhile here, the guests of Mrs. G. H. Combel (SCE 8/13/1892)
Allbright, Irene m Orr, J. Agnew 3-27-1912 (PC&C)
Allen, Mrs., of Waveland, visited New Orleans this week. (SCE 12/24/1892)
Allen, Mrs. Annie. Owned Bay St. Louis Hotel (ATG pBSL-2).
Bay St. Louis Hotel on the beach, Miss. First class accommodations for family, at reasonable prices.Mrs. A. Allen, Proprietress (Daily Picayune advertisement under "Summer Resorts" began June 19 on Sunday for one month)
Bay St. Louis Hotel and Cottages, on the beach. Open the Year Round. This commodious and elegantly refitted hotel is delightfully situated on the Mexic waters, and affords the most comfortable rooms with unsurpassable, splendid drives, boating, fishing, bathing, etc. Families, commercials and tourists will find it to their advantage to apply to Mrs. A. Allen, Proprietress, Bay St. Louis, Ms. (Advertisement SCE 8/6/1892 thru 8/27/1892)
Lowenthal, Mr. J., has resigned the clerkship of the Crescent Hotel and accepted that of the popular Bay St. Louis hotel, kept by Mrs. A. Allen. (SCE 04/01/1893)
Allen, Mrs. Annie, popular and hospitable manager of the Bay St. Louis Hotel, entertains a large number of guests. (SCE 04/15/1893)
Allen, Annie - see article BSL Hotel, (SCE 5/20/1893)
Our Lady of the Gulf: The garden party and Biblical tableaux, given Saturday evening at the catholic shady grove, under the supervision of Mrs. Chas. Platy Chas. and her guests, was a perfect success. Miss Onorato Rose of New Orleans, was the successful contestant for a diamond ring. The refreshment booths were liberally contributed to, and Mrs. Annie Allen, gave an immense cake. The proceeds will be appropriated to the church of Our Lady of the Gulf. (SCE 09/09/1893)
Allen, Mrs. Annie, the popular hostess of the Bay St. Louis Hotel, spent Tuesday evening in New Orleans. (SCE 09/23/1893)
Allen, Mrs. Annie, is entertaining a good number of guests. Among them is Mrs. Crimmins who is improving nicely in health under the wonderful influences of the salt sea breezes and piney wood zephyrs. (SCE 9/30/1893)
Allen, Mrs. Annie, the charming and attractive hostess of the Bay St. Louis Hotel, has already secured services for the re-building of the hotel beach front. Mrs. Allen is a woman of a pure business character and in a business-like way is one of the first property holders to begin work in blotting away all ruins of the storm. (SCE 11-4-1893)
Allen, Mrs. Annie, the popular hostess of the Bay St. Louis Hotel, returned on Saturday evening from a several days' visit to the Crescent City. (SCE 11-11-1893)
Hazen, Miss Lena, and Miss Lelia Evans visited Miss Fannie Lynch, the charming young lady who so ably assists Mrs. Allen in entertaining her many guests, Sunday. (SCE 12/16/ 1893)
Allen, Mrs. Annie, the popular hostess of the well known Bay St. Louis Hotel, spent several days in New Orleans this week. (SCE 12/16/1893)
Allen, Mrs. Annie, on New Year's night, gave a brilliant dance at the Bay St. Louis Hotel, and who was ably and charmingly assisted by her niece Miss Fanny Lynch. The illumination and decorations were attractive and artistic and the costumes worn were in perfect harmony with the elegant surroundings. Mrs. Allen knows how to entertain her guests and friends and this occasion numbered with her past successes. (SCE 1-6-1894)
Allen, Mrs. Doctor (of Chunky, Ms.) nee Ethel Berthelot was Miss Josephine E. Welch's niece. (SCE Jubilee 1942 pg 2).
Allen's Ready-Mix Concrete 110 Court (Ph 50)
Allgeyer, Ernest Dr. r 400 Jeff Davis, Waveland (Ph 48 -55)
Allison, Edith- Waveland's public school opened last Monday with sixty-five pupils. Mr. Bordage, the efficient principal, is ably assisted by Miss Edith Allison. (SCE 10/14/1893)
Bordage, Mr. F. C., principal of the Waveland public school, says that attendance is very large. He is assisted by Miss Edith Allison. (SCE, 11-4-1893)
Allison, Ellen E, 83, Garden of Memory, BSL 18 Oct 1969 (CEC)
Allison, Geo S. 400 Hancock (Ph 55)
Allison, S. George, 400 Hancock (Ph 48)
Allison, Philip Monroe, 415 Main (Ph 48-49), r 301 Leonhard (Ph 50), r McDonald Ln. (Ph 50 - 61)
Allison, Mr. Sam J., and family, were the guests of Mr. Jules Favre in Waveland on Sunday. (SCE 11-11-1893)
Alliston, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley T. and children will arrive Friday from Dallas, Texas, and will remain until Monday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Alliston. (Hancock County Eagle 8/7/1958)
Alliston, Wayne, Breath's Lane (Ph 48 - 50), 401 Main (Ph 55)
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley T. A. Alliston and children will arrive Friday from Dallas, Texas, and will remain until Monday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Alliston. (Hancock County Eagle 8/7/1958)
Allsbury, H. Janson, 56 year old planter from Biloxi was in Senate for Harrison and Hancock Counties in 1837. (No reference).
Almerico, R. L. Mrs. r 44 Farrar Subdivn, Waveland (Ph 55)
The Fashion Group International held its 12th Annual Alpha Awards ceremony on August 10 in New Orleans. The awards are designed to acknowledge and showcase the outstanding talent of the fashion and related industries in the Alpha region, consisting of Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama and the Florida peninsula.
The Hancock County Historical Society was awarded a First Place Alpha for the category "Use of fashion to promote a non-fashion-related enterprise" for LeMarin Cottage Decorator Show House 1995 as the most outstanding fund raiser in the region.
The five judges, four from New York and one from Atlanta, leaders in the fashion, advertising and merchandising fields selected the Society from a large group of entries from across the Alpha reion.
Also of note in the category of Interior Design/Residential" were Herb Moore and Wynn Seemann of By Design of Ocean Springs who received a first place Alpha award for their decorating of the Great Room for the Decorator Show House. Yancy Pogue, Carter Church and Old World Craftsmen of Bay St. Louis received a second place Alpha Award for the kitchen at LeMarin cottage in the same category.
The Society's award includes an original glass sculpture by Studio Inferno of New Orleans, mounted on an engraved stand. (1995)
Alphonse, Rev. Father, officiated at the mass, Sunday, St. Claire's Chapel. (SCE 8/6/1892)
On Sunday evening the competitions for a gold watch, a boat and a gold head walking cane were brought to a close on Sunday evening at the residence of Rev. Father Leduc and Rev. Father Alphonse. Messrs. Planchet, Woods and Merilh were the counting committee. The following is the result: The watch competition--Miss Blanche Avery, $135.85; Miss Louise Joubert,$44.00; Miss Florestine Fayard, $27.90; Miss Eda Villar, $31.05; Miss Catherine Spotorno, $5.30. The boat Master Willie Robinson, $56.52, Gaston Telhiard, $31.75; Walter Dupre, $7.55. Miss A. Wagner collected $86.50 for the walking cane which was awarded to Rev. Father Leduc. (SCE 8/27/1892)
Rev. Father Alphonse will say Mass tomorrow morning at St. Clair's chapel at 7 o'clock. (SCE 9/10/1892)
Rev. Father Alphonse officiated at Mass, in St. Clair's chapel, Sunday. SCE/10/22/1892)
Rev. Father Alphonse visited Rev. Father Lewis, of Ocean Springs, on Wednesday. (SCE 11/5/1892)
Alphonse, Rev. Father, was the guest of Rev. Father Bally, at Pass Christian, on Thursday. (SCE 11/19/1892)