Alphabet File page 5

Rev. Father Lewis, the beloved pastor of Ocean Springs, was on Wednesday the guest of Very Rev. Father Leduc and Rev. Father Alphonse. (SCE 12/03/1892)


Garesche, - Rev. Father, arrived from N. O. Sunday noon to spend the week here in assisting to conduct the celebrations of this week at the Catholic Church.  The Rev. Father is highly distinguished as an eloquent and fluent discourser of the Catholic faith.  He is the guest of Very Rev. Father Leduc and Rev. Father Alphonse. (SCE 12/10/1892)


Alphonse, Rev. Father, was the guest of Oliver, Rev. Father  C. A., of Scranton, Miss, this week.  (SCE 12/17/1892)


Rev. Father Alphonse; Toulme, Mr. & Mrs. Robert W.;  Saucier, Judge J. E.; and Bosetto, Miss Jennie. - On Thursday Rev. Father Alphonse, at the church of Our Lady of the Gulf, christened the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Toulme.  The little Miss was named Lillian, the sponsors were Judge J. E. Saucier and Miss Jennie Bosetto.  The occasion was fittingly celebrated at  Mr. Toulme's home.  (SCE 12/17/1892)


Blanc, Rev. Father, the good and zealous pastor of Biloxi, was on Thursday the guest of the Very Rev. Father Leduc and Rev. Father Alphonse.  (SCE 12/17/1892)


Alphonse, Rev. Father, will celebrate the first Mass tomorrow morning at the church of Our Lady of the Gulf at 5 o'clock, the custom of midnight Mass being abolished; second Mass will take place a few minutes after the first, and the third Mass at 10 o'clock. (SCE, 12/24/1892)


Alphonse, Rev. Father, of Waveland, attended the jubilee celebration of Archbishop Jansens, in New Orleans this week.  (SCE 12/24/1892)


Alphonse, Rev. Father, returned on Saturday from a visit to Canton, Miss., where he is so much loved and known as the former pastor of that parish.  (SCE 02/04/1893)


Alphonse, Rev. Father, delivered another of his masterly and eloquent sermons Wednesday night.  (SCE 03/04/1893)


The beautiful church of Our Lady of the Gulf was well crowded on Wednesday night, the occasion of Rev. Father Alphonse's fourth of the series of Lenten sermons.  His subjects were gluttony and intemperance. The Rev. Father is a very fine speaker and always interests his hearers.  (SCE 03/18/1893)


Alphonse, Rev. Father, canceled the sermon on Wednesday night at the Catholic church due to his inability to prepare his sermon, caused by illness.  On Sunday night, at the usual hour, the Rev. Father will deliver his sermon.  Everybody is cordially invited to be present; seat free.  (SCE 3/25/1893)


Alphonse, Rev. Father,  well filled the beautiful church of Our Lady of the Gulf on Sunday evening, for the occasion of his sermon.  The Rev. Father mastered his subject, anger, in a way that was pleasing - with eloquence, brevity and to the point. Father Alphonse is always at his best and on this occasion his efforts were greater than ever.  (SCE 04/01/1893)


Alphonse, Rev. Father, left this week for Brookhaven, Miss., where he will assume charge of the Catholic parish of that place for four or five weeks.  His absence is much regretted.  (SCE 04/15/1893)


Alphonse, Rev. Father, THE ECHO cheerfully notes, has returned from Brookhaven, Miss., where he has been replacing Rev. Father Lonerghan.  (SCE 05/27/1893)


Alphonse, Rev. Father, left Wednesday evening to attend the dedication of the new convent at Brookhaven, Miss. (SCE, 6-17-1893)


Alphonse, Rev. Father, is contemplating a trip to Europe to visit his mother in Belgiam.  The Rev. Father will leave on or about September 10th.  (SCE 8/19/1893)


Alphonse, Rev. Father, the beloved assistant pastor of the Catholic church, returned to the Bay Thursday noon from a visit to relatives in Europe.   (SCE, 2/17/1894)


Alphonse, Rev. Father, will deliver the first of the series of Lenten sermons to be given every week at the Church of Our Lady of the Gulf on Wednesday evenings. The sermon was a splendid and interesting one on the conversion of sinners ere it be too late, and it is to be regretted that the inclement weather prevented a large attendance.  Next Wednesday and every Wednesday thereafter, Rev. Father will give us one of his excellent sermons beginning at 7:20 p.m. (SCE 2/24/1894)


Alphonse, Rev. Father, at the Academy of St. Joseph last Friday night, was given an impromptu musical in his honor.  The good father had just returned from a five month's absence in Europe where he went to visit his mother.  The welcome given Father Alphonse was a warm one and both teachers and pupils evinced the liveliest pleasure at his return.  There were present a few invited guests and the bright young ladies taking part did most beautifully in music, vocal and instrumental as well as reciting in a brilliant manner. Miss Zida Tidwell recited "How Salvator Won", Miss Blance Avery sang "Ava Maria" and recited "Sister and I", Miss Ray Bombet played Weber's "Invitation a la Valse", Miss Maggie Fitzpatrick played a selection from Leybach, Miss Andrienne Esnard played Ketterer's "Prierre de Moise" and Violon's "Rigoletto", Miss Johnnie Hart "The Last Hymn", Miss Marie Burguieres "Papa's Letter", Misses Cecile Patout and Florence Burguieres sang a duet, Miss Catherine Spotorno played "Brier Rose", Miss Maggie Fitzpatrick sang Schubert's serenade, the junior class recited "My Bird", Miss Ernestine Koningslow read a Welcome to his Reverence, and Professor Hammersbach closed by one of his brilliant selections. (SCE, 2/24/1894)


Altgeld, Hon. John P., governor of Illinois, accompanied by State Treasurer R. N. Ramsay, Dr. Progne, the Governor's physician, and Mr. Koepler, confidential clerk, arrived here Friday evening direct from Asheville, N.C., where the party had been spending a week.  The Chief Executive and party remained at the Bay a day or two in their own private car, and after enjoying the delights of the Bay, left for St. Augustine, Fla.  Mr. Altgeld was deeply and favorably impressed with the beauty and attractiveness of the Bay and wished to have been able to prolong his stay.  (SCE 02/11/1893)


Altimus, M. G. 308 Sycamore (Ph 50 - 55)


American Legion Post, S. Bch. (Ph 55)


American Red Cross- Ct House (Ph 48  55)




LEAVES HISTORIC LEGACY.  UNO professor firmly in Colin Powell’s camp


Seated in the comfortable clutter of his red, white and blue office on the shores of Bay St. Louis, Miss., Stephen Ambrose leaned forward to make his case.


 “Colin Powell is the best man in America and should be president,” the University of New Orleans historian said.  “This man is extraordinary.  Everything I would say about Dwight Eisenhower, I would say about Powell.”


It was a bold statement coming from the scholar who is Eisenhower’s biographer, the military expert Ike hand-picked to edit his personal papers.


But Ambrose is on a tear, already busy on this newest and splashiest adventure.


Ambrose, 59, will deliver his final lecture at UNO this afternoon, and retire from teaching this spring.


After that, Ambrose plans to devote himself full time to Powell’s as-yet unofficial campaign, offering his services as a speech writer and adviser..


In Ambrose’s mind, there’s nothing more honorable than a meaty cause.


He has joined a coterie of like-minded Powell supporters, wealthy benefactors he refuses to identify but calls “some of the most powerful men in the country.” 


So far, Ambrose’s contribution to the Powell cause has been substantive.  He has launched an offensive on the opinion pages of newspapers nationwide, planting the idea of a Powell White House.  He has taken his crusade to radio and television news programs.  He has staked his considerable reputation on Powell’s abilities.  He blasts criticisms of the retired general with authoritative ferocity.

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