Hancock County Divorce Index (1916 - 1950)
This database contains an index of all Hancock County divorces, as recorded
by the Court, from 1916 to 1950.
Listed are the plaintiff and the defendant.
Please wait for the records to be retrieved....

(157 records)
Last Name | First Name | P/D | Case # | Year |
Mabry | Charles L. | Defendant | 4674 | 1943 |
Mabry | Inez | Plaintiff | 4674 | 1943 |
Machua | Aurora Garrison | Plaintiff | 5052 | 1945 |
Machua | George Ryan | Defendant | 5052 | 1945 |
Macon | Ed | Plaintiff | 2141 | 1918 |
Macon | Ora | Defendant | 2141 | 1918 |
Malishame | Annie | Plaintiff | 2479 | 1921 |
Malishame | Sam | Defendant | 2479 | 1921 |
Mallett | Leroy | Plaintiff | 3747 | 1935 |
Mallett | Wilhe Mae | Defendant | 3747 | 1935 |
Malone | Booker | Plaintiff | 3048 | 1927 |
Malone | Eldridge | Plaintiff | 3534 | 1932 |
Malone | Elwina | Defendant | 3534 | 1932 |
Malone | Saphronia | Defendant | 3048 | 1927 |
Mandala | Cecile | Plaintiff | 2698 | 1924 |
Mandala | Joseph | Defendant | 2698 | 1924 |
Manieri | Anna Bell Manieri | Defendant | 5191 | 1946 |
Manieri | Birdie Mae | Plaintiff | 2756 | 1924 |
Manieri | Naomi | Plaintiff | 6009 | 1950 |
Manieri | Russel | Defendant | 2756 | 1924 |
Manshack | Faye Theresa | Defendant | 5639 | 1949 |
Manshack | Herman Arlan | Plaintiff | 5639 | 1949 |
Mardhall | Lorraine | Plaintiff | 5675 | 1949 |
Marford | James | Defendant | 2425 | 1921 |
Marford | Nova | Plaintiff | 2425 | 1921 |
Marks | Ida | Plaintiff | 5942 | 1950 |
Mauffray | C.A. | Plaintiff | 2569 | 1922 |
Mauffray | Evelyn Lott | Defendant | 2569 | 1922 |
Maurice | Catherine | Plaintiff | 2107 | 1917 |
Maurice | Paul | Defendant | 2107 | 1917 |
McAlister | Earline | Plaintiff | 5146 | 1946 |
McBride | Corinne | Plaintiff | 4253 | 1939 |
McBride | Homer | Defendant | 4253 | 1939 |
McCain | Delores | Defendant | 5153 | 1946 |
McCall | Cora | Defendant | 2104 | 1917 |
McCall | Robert | Plaintiff | 2104 | 1917 |
McCarty | Ammie Lee | Defendant | 5210 | 1946 |
McCarty | Andrew | Defendant | 5911 | 1950 |
McCarty | Charles W | Plaintiff | 5210 | 1946 |
McCarty | Lavon Kellar | Plaintiff | 5911 | 1950 |
McClendon | Bessie | Plaintiff | 5868 | 1950 |
McClendon | William W. | Defendant | 5868 | 1950 |
McColloch | Elizabeth | Defendant | 5063 | 1946 |
McConnell | Elsie Smith | Plaintiff | 4221 | 1939 |
McConnell | Samuel James | Defendant | 4221 | 1939 |
McCormack | Edward D. | Defendant | 4416 | 1940 |
McCormack | Sadie Davis | Plaintiff | 4416 | 1940 |
McCory | Ruby | Defendant | 5877 | 1950 |
McCrimmon | Mary | Plaintiff | 5402 | 1948 |
McCury | Julia King | Defendant | 4713 | 1943 |
McCury | Thomas | Plaintiff | 4713 | 1943 |
McElduff | Florence | Plaintiff | 5515 | 1948 |
McElduff | Jessie M. | Defendant | 5515 | 1948 |
McGee | Clothilde | Plaintiff | 5156 | 1946 |
McGehee | Etheline | Plaintiff | 5319 | 1947 |
McGittigan | Angelina Alfano | Defendant | 4308 | 1940 |
McGittigan | Louis J. | Plaintiff | 4308 | 1940 |
McKay | August Charles | Defendant | 5417 | 1948 |
McKay | Edna | Defendant | 5069 | 1946 |
McKay | Hardin | Plaintiff | 3413 | 1931 |
McKay | Hattie Mosely | Defendant | 3413 | 1931 |
McKay | Nita Gene Clem | Plaintiff | 5417 | 1948 |
McKean | Albert John Jr. | Plaintiff | 4983 | 1945 |
McKean | Delphine Sonie | Defendant | 4983 | 1945 |
McLaughlin | Leona Schwartz | Plaintiff | 5123 | 1946 |
McLaughlin | Louis John | Defendant | 5123 | 1946 |
McMellon | Rose | Plaintiff | 2359 | 1920 |
McMellon | Tom | Defendant | 2359 | 1920 |
McMillon | Gilbert | Defendant | 4893 | 1944 |
McMillon | Trudy Lang | Plaintiff | 4893 | 1944 |
McNeil | J.R. | Plaintiff | 3860 | 1936 |
McNeil | Mrs.Jay Faye Whitehead | Defendant | 3860 | 1936 |
McNutt | Charles K. | Defendant | 4138 | 1938 |
McNutt | Edwina Osbourn | Plaintiff | 4138 | 1938 |
McQueen | Albert | Defendant | 4169 | 1939 |
McQueen | Bernice | Defendant | 5064 | 1946 |
McQueen | Mrs.Sue | Plaintiff | 4169 | 1939 |
McSantee | Josephine | Plaintiff | 1985 | 1916 |
McSantee | Peter | Defendant | 1985 | 1916 |
Meggs | Emma | Defendant | 3617 | 1935 |
Meggs | Henry J. | Plaintiff | 3617 | 1935 |
Meggs | John | Plaintiff | 4250 | 1939 |
Meggs | Selina | Defendant | 4250 | 1939 |
Mehoffey | James L. | Defendant | 5128 | 1946 |
Mehoffey | Vera B. | Plaintiff | 5128 | 1946 |
Melton | Dorothy | Plaintiff | 4822 | 1944 |
Melton | Walter Wesley | Defendant | 4822 | 1944 |
Menge | Helen A. | Defendant | 5667 | 1949 |
Menge | Warren | Plaintiff | 5667 | 1949 |
Milan | Dorothy | Plaintiff | 5960 | 1950 |
Miller | Harry | Defendant | 2251 | 1919 |
Miller | James Dove | Defendant | 2692 | 1924 |
Miller | Juanita | Plaintiff | 2692 | 1924 |
Miller | Pearl | Plaintiff | 2251 | 1919 |
Millinery | Annie | Defendant | 2297 | 1920 |
Millinery | Philip | Plaintiff | 2297 | 1920 |
Mire | Ary Joseph | Defendant | 5908 | 1950 |
Mire | Josephine Louise Winkler | Plaintiff | 5908 | 1950 |
Mitchell | Anna E. | Plaintiff | 2120 | 1917 |
Mitchell | Augustine | Defendant | 2267 | 1919 |
Mitchell | Dewitt | Defendant | 5984 | 1950 |
Mitchell | Earl W. | Plaintiff | 5903 | 1950 |
Mitchell | Frank | Defendant | 2120 | 1917 |
Mitchell | Harry J. | Plaintiff | 2943 | 1926 |
Mitchell | Helen Green | Plaintiff | 5363 | 1947 |
Mitchell | Hilda Hudson | Plaintiff | 5984 | 1950 |
Mitchell | Hollis | Defendant | 4650 | 1942 |
Mitchell | Homer | Defendant | 5618 | 1949 |
Mitchell | James Lavick | Plaintiff | 2267 | 1919 |
Mitchell | Janie Nabora | Defendant | 2943 | 1926 |
Mitchell | Katherine Sams | Defendant | 5903 | 1950 |
Mitchell | Kire C. Jr. | Defendant | 5363 | 1947 |
Mitchell | Lavelle Harold | Plaintiff | 4650 | 1942 |
Mitchell | Leona | Plaintiff | 5618 | 1949 |
Mitchell | Letia | Plaintiff | 5253 | 1947 |
Mitchell | Ruben | Defendant | 5253 | 1947 |
Mix | Mary Amelia | Plaintiff | 2937 | 1926 |
Mix | William Joseph | Defendant | 2937 | 1926 |
Moore | Henry Dave | Defendant | 5081 | 1946 |
Moore | Rosie Coe | Plaintiff | 5081 | 1946 |
Moran | Ardie Shaw | Plaintiff | 4309 | 1940 |
Moran | Belle | Defendant | 2935 | 1926 |
Moran | Bertha Yarborough | Defendant | 4395 | 1940 |
Moran | Clara Bell Foster | Defendant | 5235 | 1946 |
Moran | Edgar B. Sr. | Defendant | 5357 | 1947 |
Moran | Ellen Louise Hill | Defendant | 5995 | 1950 |
Moran | Eunice L. | Plaintiff | 5647 | 1949 |
Moran | Eunice L. | Plaintiff | 5345 | 1947 |
Moran | Frank V. | Plaintiff | 4395 | 1940 |
Moran | Geraldine Green | Plaintiff | 5357 | 1947 |
Moran | John | Defendant | 4785 | 1944 |
Moran | Johnnie | Defendant | 5225 | 1946 |
Moran | Julius L. | Plaintiff | 5235 | 1946 |
Moran | Lauren R. | Plaintiff | 5995 | 1950 |
Moran | Lauren Reed | Plaintiff | 5385 | 1947 |
Moran | Mrs. John | Plaintiff | 4785 | 1944 |
Moran | Seamon | Defendant | 4309 | 1940 |
Moran | Treasy Ladner | Plaintiff | 5225 | 1946 |
Moran | Una Nellie Cone | Defendant | 5385 | 1947 |
Moran | V.P. | Plaintiff | 2935 | 1926 |
Morealle | Jake | Plaintiff | 4273 | 1939 |
Morealle | Mrs.Jake | Defendant | 4273 | 1939 |
Morel | Betty Marie Bird | Defendant | 5194 | 1946 |
Morel | Edward Charles | Plaintiff | 5194 | 1946 |
Morgan | Horace Leander | Plaintiff | 5578 | 1948 |
Morgan | Marie Lemuel | Defendant | 5578 | 1948 |
Muehlendorf | Horace Julius | Defendant | 4334 | 1940 |
Muehlendorf | Mrs H.J. | Plaintiff | 4334 | 1940 |
Mueller | Marian Curet | Plaintiff | 5380 | 1947 |
Mueller | William Lincoln | Defendant | 5380 | 1947 |
Mullen | Agnes Catherine | Defendant | 5061 | 1946 |
Mumme | Ray R. | Defendant | 4695 | 1943 |
Mumme | Vera Carmen | Plaintiff | 4695 | 1943 |
Murphy | Ed. | Defendant | 2465 | 1921 |
Murphy | Sophie | Plaintiff | 2465 | 1921 |
Myles | J.H. | Defendant | 2880 | 1926 |
Myles | Naomi | Plaintiff | 2880 | 1926 |