Alphabet File page 13
E. M. Ansley, Mr., has sold the famous "FLYING DUTCHMAN" to Mr. Boy Pere. He has it well rigged and makes here usual fine speed. On Tuesday evening a delightful sail was given by the "DUTCHMAN" in honor of Mr. B. W. Pearson, the urbane L. & N. depot agent. (SCE 05/27/1893) see: storms disk (SCE 10/7/1893)
Ansley, Mr. W., of Alabama, is here for a visit, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ansley. (SCE 02/25/1893)
Ansley, Luther, returned on Thursday evening from a visit to New Orleans. (SCE 04/01/1893)
Ansley, Mr. M.E. - Champagne Supper given by Mr. M.E. Ansley - From the Ocean Springs Leader - The writer little thought when he called for champagne in last week's issue that his call would meet with so royal a response, but the champagne supper given by Mr. Ansley at the elegant apartments of the C. C. Club, on Washington Avenue last Monday proved it beyond a doubt. The artistic taste showed in the decoration room was simply grand, but when at 9:30 our host threw open the doors to the dining hall (where a feast fit for a king was spread) twas enough to take one's breath. The tables literally groaned under their loads, including all the delicacies of the season. Before each plate stood the silent sentinel, (Mumms Extra Dry), with here and there a bottle of the famous "Hochheimer," to be used, as our host expressed it, "to take the taste out of our mouths, or by those whose "tastes" ran in that direction. Added to this, music by the Cyclone Band, and you have a spread not to be surpassed by even the Four hundred. The toasts of the evening were at Mr. Ansley's request, made by the following named gentlemen: G.F. Halstead, W.R. Simmons and others Mr. Ansley responding in his usual brilliant manner. The reception was given to celebrate the birth of Mr. Ansley's little daughter, "Myrtle". Long may she live and may her pathway through life be strewn with roses are the wishes of the Leader. (SCE 11/26/1892)
Ansley, M. E.. - FOR SALE! 2800 Acres of good farming of grazing land. Will sell cheap. Only 43 miles from New Orleans, (at Ansley) on L. & N. R. R. Apply M. E. Ansely, Bay St. Louis, Miss. (SCE 3/11/1893 thru 4-22-1893))
Ansley, M. E. Grocery. (ATG BSL-6. photo of Mr. Ansly) M.E.Ansley is one of the successful real-estate agents on the Gulf Coast; he handles all kinds of improved and unimproved town and country property, including timber lands, farm lands, and lands suitable for truck farming, dairying and poultry raising. Mr. Ansley has been identified with the real estate business at New Orleans and at Bay St. Louis for the past twenty years; he is the organizer of the Ansley Land Company, which founded the town of Ansley, Miss., in this County. Mr. Ansley is also conducting a life and casualty insurance company; his office is located on Front Street opposite the Hancock County Bank. (PHOTO HCSB)
Ansley, M. L. Mrs. 308 Carroll (Ph 48 - 55)
Ansley, M.M., whom town was named after. (WPA, 1937)
Ansley - Located 10 miles West of BSL and was established as a flag stop on the L & N Railroad. It was named after M.M. Ansley who was once roadmaster on the L & N. (WPA, 1937) (HM,pp 155)
Ansley, Mary Ellen - The first grade pupils were examined in spelling last week. Those who attained honors were Mary Ellen Ansley, Louise Saucier, Thelma Eagan, Gail Huntoon, Edwin Briggs, Tom Trawck and Sam Tuminia. (The High School Idea, Vol 1, BSL March 1908)
Ansley, Mr. W. M. and mother went over to New Orleans on Tuesday morning. (SCE 11/19/1892)
Anthony, Richard 119 Main (Ph 48 thru 50), 502 N Bch (Ph 55)
Anthony's Men's Wear, 103 N. Beach. (Ph 68)
Antin, Samuel Jr. 156 Beach Blvd. Waveland, (Ph 48 - 50), 430 Bch Blvd, Waveland (Ph 55)
Antoine Family:
Monday (Mondy) family
Jacob Monday 1852 - m. ________________
Son married granddaughter of Louis Antoine Bayard Antoine 1830, Hancock County, earliest to arrive from France.
Send information to great, great, grandson: F/MC Othan Mondy - Pacific Fleet, Naval Air Force - San Diego, California 92135
Apple, David Charles 3-1-1942 baptized at the Pearlington Methodist Episcopal Church (PC&C)
Applewhite, S. V. r Kiln Hwy (Ph 55)
Apps, C. E., 3rd, Waveland (Ph 48-49)
Arbo, Mr. George, is perfecting arrangements for the erection and operation of an extensive saw mill at Cedar point vicinity. (SCE 3/25/1893)
Arcade Restaurant
The public are respectfully informed that the subscriber has become the Lessee of the above establishment, and will open it for the reception of company on Saturday, the 24th of May, 1845.
It is unnecessary to allude to the salubrity of the situation, the beautiful shades, and the retirement always enjoyed at this celebrated establishment, for they are too well known. The subscriber will add that in addition to the usual attractions of the place, he will have carriages, saddle horses, pleasure yachts, and whatever may contribute to constitute amusement and make the place agreeable to visitors.
The Table will be kept in a liberal style, and the Wines and Liquors are choice and superior in their quality.
A limited number of Families will be received at reasonable rates.
The following prices will be charged to those who make engagements for the season:
Board per month $35
Daily Boarders 2
Weekly 10
Children and servants half price
Parties wishing to make arrangements for board can do so by applying at the Arcade Restaurant.
D. Vancourt
(Daily Picayune, Wednesday, July 16, 1845 p 4 under "Summer Retreats". Ran from May 23 for 2 months - VF MJS II 00357)
Arceneaux, E. J. res. 216 S. Beach (Ph 48 - 55)
Arceneaux Super Serv. Sta. 200 S. Beach (Ph 48 - 68)
Ard, Mrs. Laris (Lois, CHG), daughter of Mrs. James W. Burns, formerly Mrs. Gaston Gardebled. (SCE article Oct. 25, 1946 - VF Gardebled)
Ard, Mrs. Laris - Photo, ca. 1920. Essay, (VF Gardebled)
Ard, Mrs. Laris - "By Our Own Efforts We Hope To Rise" 1919. (VF Gardebled)
Arendale, Mr. V. A. - An accredited high school was in existence (in Logtown) for a period of time. An elementary school was always in operation. The property for these schools was donated by Mr. Henry Carre'. Among the principals were Mr. Fred Zollicoffer Brown, Mr. George Hillis, and Mr. V. A. Arendale. (From a paper by Mildred Otis Fountain. Copy in HCHS VF Otis)
Argus, W. L. 916 S. Beach (Ph 55 - 95) (Listed to Milton Ballard (Ph 48)
Armand, Mrs. Mary and family of New Orleans are guests of Mme. C. Gardebled. (SCE 7/22/1893)
Armans, Mrs. was sponsor for the Bell "Mary" 19 Aug 1849. (SCE Jubilee 1942 pg. 10).
Armstrong, A. W., 305 1/2 Main (Ph 48-49)
Armstrong, Captain
Military Excursion to Bay St. Louis.
The pleasant watering place, Bay St. Louis, was, to speak in military parlance, occupied by one of our volunteer militia organizations on Sunday, June 25, 1871.
Company K of the First Regiment of the Louisiana Legion, better known as the Crescent Rifles, left the city on Saturday evening on board the New Orleans, Mobile & Texas Railroad train for Bay St. Louis where a target match was to take place and a general merrymaking was contemplated.