Alphabet File page 14
The Excursionists arrived in time and were received by CAPTAIN ARMSTRONG of the Crescent Hotel, who escorted them to his house, where the evening was pleasantly spent, the band of music, which accompanied the command improvising a concert, upon which followed a much enjoyed Ball.
At an early hour Sunday morning the command started to the rear of the town where the target practice took place.
We subjoin the results:
Capt. Snyder of Company K succeeded in placing three balls nearest the company's bull's eye, their aggregate distance being 29 1/8 inches.
Mr. William A. Bozens made the next best shot; his three distances measuring 33 3/4 inches, and is entitled to the distinction of being the best shot in the Company.
The prize offered to members of the Legion was won by Lieutenant Behan of Company R;, his three shots measuring 17 1/2 inches.
Mr. William Lynd of Company A succeeded in placing three bullets in the board with an aggregate distance of 18 1/ 8 inches from the bull's eye.
The shooting was altogether very fine and proved the Crescent Rifles to be excellent shots. The prizes were presented by Lieut. Stewart. Capt. S. P. Snyder received the first prize, a gold badge, and Lieut. Behan the other prize consisting of a silver medal.
The Crescent Rifles returned to the city on the 5:30 P.M. train greatly satisfied with their trip and its pleasant incidents. (VF - MJS VI00481)
Armstrong, John. Mentioned in purchase of sawmill by Asa Hursey of Pearlington. (See booklet in VF Hursey)
Armstrong, Louise E. - Dec'd. 2-8-1881. Town of Pearlington. Nieces - Louise E. Farve, Gondelia Brown. (Book Armstrong, Page 135-136)
Armstrong Louise M. 115 1/2 Union (Ph 48 thru 50,55 ) stenographer, chief clerk assistant to members of the City Election Comm. 1942. (SCEJUB42pp27).
Armstrong, Myer r 104 Sycamore (Ph 55)
"Arnecliffe" - O' Donnel, Hon. and Mrs. Larry, were over from New Orleans on Sunday and spent the day at their lovely summer home, "Arnecliffe". (SCE 11/19/1892)
Arnoitte #59 J.A. Cuevas (VF MJS VIII 00350)
Arnold # 19 J.A. Cuevas (VF MJS VIII 00350)
Arnold, Carlos A. r 347 N 2nd (Ph 55)
Arnold, Jack Mrs. r 516 1/2 Citizen (Ph 55)
Arnold, John - WHT POL 1, FPC 0, SLV 0. (Hancock County, Mississippi Tax Rolls 1820, VF Tax Rolls)
Arnold, Junior - Junior Arnold, aged 24, son of Mr. And Mrs. Alfred Arnold of Bay St. Louis, was seriously injured in an accident on the west beach highway, West Pass Christian at about 13:30 ;”clock Monday morning. For several days it was doubtful that he would recover, but at this time, reports are to the effect that he has gained consciousness and is somewhat improved and he will recover.
Arnold and Edward Blaize, son of Mayor Blaize of Bay St. Louis were coming from Gulfport when the accident occurred. They were riding in a coupe owned by Blaize and driven by Arnold. Opposite the sumer home of Joe Ferguson in some unaccountable way Arnold lost control of the car. It swayed over to the beach side and stuck a tree, climbed the trunk a few feet and left its mark of violent compact with the bark torn away but the car was torn up.
Blaize managed to escape from the top of the car as it was thrown back to he roadway sideways and picking himself up from the center of the highway.
The injured man was given first aid treatment by Dr. Rafforty and was carried to the Gulfport Hospital. (Trib 3-19-1938)
Arnold, Mildred, 131 Washington (Ph 48-49)
Arnold, Nancy B., Shieldsboro Postmistress December 1850 - February 1856 (VF)
Arnold, O. T. r 347 Main (Ph 48 - 50), 451 De Montluzin (Ph 55)
Arnold, Ripley Allen, son of Wyllis Arnold, a schoolmaster and father of Catherine Parker. Inquiry by: Mr. Clay Perkins - 2745 Ryan Ave. - Fort Worth, Texas 76110
Arnold, Willis H., Shieldsboro Postmaster November 1846 - December 1850 (VF)
Arnold, Willis H., Was secretary and treasurer of Pearlington (sawmill) Company Dec. 1 1848 (booklet VF Hursey)
Arnoulder, Jules - We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Jules Arnoulder, of New Orleans, on Tuesday, who was in search of a house to spend two months here. (SCE 9/03/1892)
Arthur, Cora Florence Keen, 27, Metairie 22 Sep 1944 (CEC)
Artigues, Maurice J. 233 St. Charles (Ph 48 thru 50) 119 Union (Ph 55)
Ash, Mrs. Eleonore and family, from Flomaton, Ala., arrived Monday on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Casimere Fayard, on apothecary street. (SCE 02/04/1893)
Ash, Mrs. Eleonore, and family and Miss Laura Fayard have gone to Flomaton, Ala. (SCE 02/11/1893)
Ash, Mrs. Morgan, of Flomaton, Ala., is visiting her mother, Mrs. C. Fayard, on Apothecary street. (SCE 10/15/1892)
Asher, Andrew T. Clermont Harbor (Ph 48 - 55)
Asher, John r Hwy. 90 (Ph 55)
Ashman, Isaac, 74, Cremated 20 Feb. 1986 (CEC)
Ashton's Food Store 123 S. Beach (Ph 50)
Asmar, Charles, Pass Christian/Spanish Title, Wht Pol 0, FPC 0, SLV 0. (Hancock County, Mississippi Tax Rolls 1818, VF Tax Rolls)
Assenheimer, Scott T. 217 Union (Ph 48 - 50)
Athanasius, Brother, provincial of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, arrived Monday to spend awhile at the College. (SCE 3/25/1893)
Attaway, Mr. Richard, of Waveland, spent Monday and Tuesday on business in New Orleans. (SCE 02/04/1893)
Attaway, Mr. Richard, is making rapid progress towards the completion of the breakwater he is building for Mr. E. H. McCaleb. He is deserving of credit for the commendable manner in which he's performing the work. (SCE 3/04/1893)
Mr. Paul Conrad has secured the services of Mr. R. Attaway for the building of a breakwater. (Waveland) (SCE/11/1893)
Attaway, Mr. Richard spent Tuesday in New Orleans on business. (Waveland) (SCE 03/18/1893)
Attaway, Mrs. R., of Waveland, we are sorry to hear is ill. We hope to see her out soon. (SCE 05/06/1893)
Dart, Mr. H. P., has had a fine stable built on his place in Waveland by Mr. Richard Attaway. (SCE 11-4-1893)
Favre, Mr. Jules, Messrs. J. J. Barr and Richard Attaway are serving as the committee of arrangement for a grand soiree which will be given at the Waveland hall, on Coleman Avenue, Saturday, January, 1894, for the benefit of the Waveland public school. Floor managers are Messrs. Wm. Ruhr, Etienne Carver and Charles Chadwick. (SCE 1-6-1894)
Aubry, Mrs. G. C., 338 Main (Ph 48-49)
Aucier, Louise, letter to teacher. March 17, 1908. (The High School Idea, Vol 1, BSL March 1908)
Auderer, John F. Jr. r Merritt Waveland (Ph 55)
Auguste, (later Stockton house) #22 J.A. Cuevas (VF MJS VIII 00350)
Augustus, Columbus r Jeff Davis, Waveland (Ph 48 - 55)
Austain, Mr. Charles - Saucier, Justice of the Peace J.E., on Wednesday morning tied the nuptial knot for Mr. Charles Austain and Miss Siss Fuller, from Mississippi City. (SCE, 6-17-1893)
Austia, Mr. Victor, whose infant child breathed its last on Friday, was buried the following morning. (SCE 12/16/1893)
Austin, Mrs. - Buster Heitzman recalled beautifully furnished home on Felicity. 1st house on right. Moved to Chicago. (No source given)
Austin, Mr. E. E., and wife, from Lansing, Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Grady, of Iowa, are enjoying the delights of our lovely winter resort, the guests of Mrs. Whitney. (SCE 02/04/1893)