Alphabet File page 16
Avery, Mrs. Blanche, visited friends in the Crescent City yesterday. (SCE 04/08/1893)
Avery, Miss Blanche, (the winsome and accomplished), left Saturday noon for a visit to the World's Fair at Chicago. (SCE 7/15/1893)
Avery, Miss. Blanche, who has been spending the summer in Chicago, is shortly expected home, to the pleasure of many (SCE 09/09/1893).
Avery, Blanche - see article under A. J. Berthelot (SCE 9/30/1893)
Granier, Miss Leone, of Saint John the Baptist, La., and Miss Blanche Avery have entered St. Joseph's Academy. (SCE 10/28/1893)
Muller, Mr. and Mrs. G., on Sunday, Christmas eve, had their infant daughter christened at the Catholic church, Very Rev. Father Leduc officiating. The baby was named Clare Alphonsine Blanche Muller, and the sponsors were Miss Blanche Avery and Mr. Alphonse J. Baron. (SCE 1-6-1894)
Avery, Blanche (Mrs. Louis Felix Ehrman) Niece of Miss Josephine E. Welch. (SCE Jubilee 1942 pg. 2).
AVON HOTEL - The Avon Hotel was said to be the first Coast Tourist Court - and yet it existed in the days before the auto - before the popularity of tourism- and during the “early” years of Boarding Houses in the “Watering Places along the Mississippi Gulf Coast”.
And - it wasn’t even in Biloxi- it was in Bay St. Louis!.
Way back in the 1890’s a woman hotel operator named Mrs. Annie Allen was said to have worked out the “tourist court” arrangements for her guests.
Mrs. Allen had operated a hotel successfully in New Orleans but moved to Bay St. Louis in 1890 and bought a house and some shaded acreage on the Beach Drive. Her main hotel building was a two-story affair and most likely on the boarding-house style-of-the-times.
But Mrs. Allen added a number of cottages around the “big house” in order to supplement her income. These were interspersed with “summer houses (probably gazebos and hammock under the hady trees along the beachfront). She could accomodate 100 people.
"Avondale" - Mrs. J. Tietgen and family, who have occupied the "Avondale" villa during the heated term, returned to New Orleans on Sunday evening. (SCE/10/22/1892)
German, Mr. H. and family, of New Orleans, have rented the elegant "Avondale" villa for the winter. (SCE, 12/31/1892)
Avriett, Emily Mrs. r 135 Julia (ph. 55)
Axtater, K. S. Col. 276 Bch. Blvd. Waveland (Ph 55)
Ayres, Rev. Nelson preached to a large congregation on Sunday at Grace Church, Nicholson avenue. (SCE 8/13/1892)
Rev. Nelson Ayres was here Sunday and conducted services at Christ Episcopal church, returning to New Orleans the same evening. (SCE/10/22/1892)
Christ Episcopal Church, Cedar Point....Services every first and third Sunday of each month at ll a.m. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a.m. Rev. Nelson Ayres, Rector. (SCE 12/10/1892 thru 12/17/1892)
Ayres, Rev. Nelson was over from New Orleans Sunday and conducted services at the Christ Episcopal Church. (SCE 12/10/1892)
Ayres, Rev. Nelson, officiated at Christ Church Sunday. (SCE, 12/24/1892)
Ayres, Rev. Nelson, of New Orleans, was here Sunday. (SCE 1/21/1893)
Ayres, Rev. Nelson, will conduct services at Christ Church, Cedar point, tomorrow, Sunday, the 9th, at 11 a.m. (SCE 04/08/1893)
Ayers, Rev. N., officiated at Christ Church Sunday. (SCE 3/11/1893)
Ayres, Rev. Nelson, will hold divine services with communion at Christ Church, Sunday, May 7th, 1893, at 10:30 a.m. (SCE 05/06/1893)
Ayres, Rev. Nelson, will hold services at Christ Church, Cedar point, tomorrow at 11 a.m. (SCE 6/3/1893)
Ayres, Rev. Nelson, of New Orleans, will conduct services and administer Holy Communion at Christ Episcopal Church, tomorrow, Sunday. (SCE 12/16/1893)
Azalie, Misses Louise and Florinne Saucier of Pass Christian, spent Sunday evening on a visit to Mrs. Breath and daughters. (SCE 12/10/1892)
Babby, Miss Maggie, has returned to Alabama. (SCE 7/15/1893)
Babcock, Mr., represented the Mississippi Coast Hotel Men's Assn. at its monthly meeting at Hotel Miramar in Pass Christian Jan. 6, 1927.
Babcock, H.C., 204 Leonard Av. (Ph 48)
Bachelors Hall - Bachelors Hall kept by J. H. Krebs in front of the Louisiana Wharf, Bay Saint Louis with best accommodations. (N. O. Times, Wed. Aug 22, k 1866 p 9 c 5 advmt. "Hotels" -VF MJS II 00357)
Backer, Albert F. r 261 Beach Blvd. Waveland (Ph 55)
Backman, Marguerite L. Mrs., Harrison Ct. (Ph 48 thru 55)
Bacon, Andrew M. r 830 Beach Blvd., Waveland (Ph 55)
Bacon, DeWitt C. Pres. Bay Naval Stores Co. (SCE 9/5/03).
Baehr, Dr. Alden H. 904 S. Beach (Ph 86, 87).
Baerboom, Wm. F. m Giveans, Rebecca L. 9-8-1980 (PC&C)
Bailey, Supt. - Prof. Chiles Clifton Ferrell, (Perhaps Terrell) The Bay St. Louis High School anticipates a visit on Thursday, April 2nd, from Prof. Chiles Clifton Ferrell, of the chair of Germanic languages, University of Mississippi, who has been delegated by the Committee on Affiliated Schools to visit the counties of Jackson, Harrison and Hancock. On Wednesday, the 1st, he will pay an official visit to St. Stanislaus College, of this city. Prof. Ferrel writes Supt. Bailey he would be glad of, and solicits, an opportunity of addressing the people of Bay St. Louis and vicinity in the interest of the University of Mississippi. Accordingly, the endeavor will be made to have Prof. Terrel meet our people and an address on the university, its advantages, etc. delivered. (The High School Idea, Vol 1, BSL March 1908)
Bailey, Mr. Dumas, who went to New Orleans on business, has returned to Boly. (SCE 04/15/1893)
Bailey, Messrs, Milton, Hubert, and Dumas, the three brothers, spent Mardi Gras in the Crescent City. (BOLY) (SCE 02/25/1893)
Bailey, Mr. Jas. F. is among the many pleasant visitors here this week. He is one of the enterprising residents of Yamaraw, this county. (SCE 10/29/1892)
Bailey, Mr. James, shipped three car loads of rosin to Chicago last Saturday. (BOLY) (SCE 02/25/1893)
Bailey, Mr. James, the big turpentine man who went to New Orleans on business, has returned. (BOLY)(SCE 02/25/1893)
Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. James, and daughter, Miss Florence Bailey, were welcome visitors to Mr. and Mrs. James Magehee last Sunday. (Boly) (SCE 04/15/1893)
Bailey, Mr. James, the big turpentine man, is having a large quantity of rosin hauled to Picayune for shipment to Chicago. (SCE 6/3/1893) (BOLY)
Bailey, Mr. James, the big turpentine man, went to New Orleans on business last Wednesday. (BOLY)(SCE 7/1/1893)
Bailey, Mr. James, the big turpentine man who has been very sick, is convalescing. (BOLY) (SCE 8/5/1893)
Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Jr., spent several days in N. O. last week. (SCE 12/03/1892)
Bailey, Mr. M. F., (of Logtown) spent several days in the Crescent City last week. (SCE 12/17/1892)
Bailey, Mr. Milton, who went to New Orleans has just returned. (Boly.) (SCE 02/04/1893)
Bailey, Messrs, Milton, Hubert, and Dumas, the three brothers, spent Mardi Gras in the Crescent City. (BOLY) (SCE 02/25/1893)
Bailey, Mr. Milton, our surveyor, has got his instruments and is now ready to go to work. (Boly) (SCE 04/15/1893)