Historic Districts 1977
This page provides an archived snapshot of the register as it existed in 1977. For the current register with the new district and more recent photos of buildings, please see Historic Districts.

In 1977, the Department of Archives & History nominated five National Historic Districts and ten individual properties within the city of Bay Saint Louis to the National Register.
Mayor Larry Bennett was notified on January 6, 1981 that the first four of the below listed districts had been entered in the National Register in 1980 and the fifth, the Elmwood District was added later that year.
Beach Boulevard Historic District
(added 1980 - Hancock County - #80002239)
Roughly bounded by Beach Blvd., Necaise Ave., Seminary Dr., 2nd and 3rd Sts.,
Bay St. Louis
(1750 acres, 690 buildings)
Beach Boulevard Historic District encompasses a 1750-acre area of the city of Bay Saint Louis incorporating an almost two-mile strip of Beach Boulevard properties as well as most of the central business core located in the middle of the district around Main Street and surrounding residential properties. Beach Boulevard is characterized by one and two-story residences, dating from 1787 to 1940 which are generally larger and more detailed than houses farther west, although there is a small proliferation of two-story houses between the city hall and the railroad depot on Union and Keller streets. West of Hancock Street houses become more vernacular, with simpler detail. Shotgun and Creole cottages are prevalent and can be found in various forms with addition and details from several periods.
Main Street Historic District
(added 1980 - Hancock County - #80002241)
Main St., Bay St. Louis
(10 acres, 6 buildings)
Main Street District contains a linear row of one-story vernacular dwellings located on the south side and toward the western end of Main Street. The district contains two Creole cottages and three shotgun cottages dating from the last quarter of the nineteenth century, and one Bungalow-style cottage of ca. 1920 construction. All are one-story dwellings and, with the exception of the Bungalow, which is clad with stucco, all are frame. Gable roofs predominate.
Sycamore Street Historic District

(added 1980 - Hancock County - #80002242)
Sycamore St., Bay St. Louis
(30 acres, 10 buildings)
The Sycamore Street Historic District contains two commercial buildings and eight residences lining the north side of sycamore street east and west of the Old Spanish Trail which runs north to south. The two commercial buildings are located on the Spanish Trail.
Washington Street Historic District
(added 1980 - Hancock County - #80002243)
Washington St., Bay St. Louis
(30 acres, 12 buildings)
Washington Street Historic District contains twelve structures located west
of the railroad tracks.
Eleven are arranged in a linear formation on the south side of Washington
Street, with one located on the north side. One building is located west
of St. Francis Street, with all others located east of that street.
Elmwood Historic District
(This district was nominated but not accepted due to insufficient information. However, three of its properties were listed individually.)
North Beach Boulevard, Bay Saint Louis
(10 buildings)
Elmwood Historic District contains ten residential structures oriented toward St. Louis Bay and arranged linearly south to north on the west side of North Beach Boulevard. Elmwood Manor, the only brick two-and-a-half-story building, is the most northerly structure in the district.