Easterbrook Street
303 Easterbrook Street (BD-442) -- Ca. 1935. 1-story 2x3-bay front-gabled shiplap sided house. Exposed rafter-tails. Projecting gabled entrance porch. Bracketed corner supports.
307 Easterbrook Street (BD-443) -- Ca. 1910. Colonial Revival elements. 1-story gable-roofed house with projecting porch. Gables adorn both the main block and porch roof. Porch supported by squared posts with capital moldings. (C)
308 Easterbrook Street (BD-436) -- Ca. 1930. 1-story gable-roofed cottage whose roofline has been extended on the side to accommodate a polygonal bay. 3-bay façade with 2-bay undercut porch. Pyramidal box columns on masonry piers. (C)
309 Easterbrook Street (BD-444) -- Ca. 1960. 1-story front-gabled house clad with shiplap. Concrete block building with gable roof. (M)
313 Easterbrook Street (BD-445) -- Ca. 1935. 1-story 2x3-bay shotgun with front-gabled orientation, undercut gallery, and exposed rafter-tails. (C)
315 Easterbrook Street (BD-446) -- Ca. 1935. 1-story 2x3-bay front-gabled house with shiplap siding. 1-bay front-gabled porch. Paired windows.
316 Easterbrook Street (BD-435) -- Ca. 1930. 1-story front-gabled house with undercut entrance bay. (C)
317 Easterbrook Street (BD-447) -- Ca. 1880. 1-story 4x2-bay Creole cottage with undercut gallery which is cantilevered at each end. Two entrances in middle bays. Rectangular posts probably not original. (C)
318 Easterbrook Street (BD-434) -- Ca. 1920. 1-story shotgun cottage with gable-on-hip-roof, undercut gallery and scalloped vergeboards. Additions. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
319 Easterbrook Street (BD-448) -- Ca. 1910. 1-story gable-roofed shogun with front pedimented gable. Undercut porch supported by slender rectangular post.
319½ Easterbrook Street (BD-449) -- Ca. 1910. 1-story gable-on-hip-roofed shotgun. Exposed rafter-tails. Brackets support undercut porch. (C)
321 Easterbrook Street (BD-450) -- Ca. 1925. 1-story 4x3-bay Bungalow style house with front-gable orientation. Two entrances in center bays. Bracketed front eaves. Exposed rafter-tails. Paired and triple posts on brick piers. (C)
323 Easterbrook Street (BD-451) -- Ca. 1935. 1-story 3x3-bay cottage with front-gabled orientation. 1-bay entrance porch. Exposed rafter-tails.

324 Easterbrook Street (BD-433) -- Ca. 1930. 1-story 3x5-bay front-gabled cottage with shiplap siding. T-plan. 1-bay central projecting section with porch on three sides. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
326 Easterbrook Street (BD-432) -- Ca. 1970. 1-story 3x2-bay modern brick house with hip roof and projecting front porch. (I) (Actually it was built by Ivory Williams for Alonzo M. Daniels. CHG)
328 Easterbrook Street (BD-431) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story front-gabled shotgun cottage with 3-side undercut gallery. Turned and bracketed posts. (P)
330 Easterbrook Street (BD-430) -- Ca. 1930. 1-story 3x3-bay L-plan house. Modernized with picture window and aluminum siding. (M)
332 Easterbrook Street (BD-429) -- Ca. 1910 with modern alterations. 1-story gable-on-hip-roofed shotgun with undercut gallery. Replaced posts and front window (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
334 Easterbrook Street (BD-428) -- Ca. 1920. 1-story frame shotgun cottage with front-gabled roof and undercut gallery. Rear addition. Paired posts on concrete block wall. (C)
335 Easterbrook Street (BD-453) -- Ca. 1935. 1-story 3x3-bay front-gabled house with front-gabled entrance porch. Paired windows, asbestos siding. (C)
338 Easterbrook Street (BD-427) -- Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1-story 3x1-bay gable-roofed house with projecting gabled porch. Pyramidal columns on stucco piers. Paired windows. (C)
339 Easterbrook Street (BD-454) -- Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1-story 2x3-bay front-gabled shotgun with projecting porch supported on pyramidal columns and masonry piers. Real ell. Aluminum siding.
341 Easterbrook Street (BD-455) -- 1925. Bungalow style. 1-story gable-roofed main block with projecting porch with offset gable. From this projects another porch with front-gable orientation. Bracketed eaves. Pyramidal box columns on stucco piers.
343 Easterbrook Street (BD-456) -- Ca. 1940. 1-story 2x2-bay front-gabled house with side addition. Shiplap siding. Exposed rafter-tails.
346 Easterbrook Street (BD-426) -- Ca. 1930. 1-story 3x3-bay gable-roofed cottage with central entrance and side additions. Exposed rafter-tails. Some casement windows. (C)
347 Easterbrook Street (BD-457) -- Ca. 1910. 1-story 4x2-bay cottage with gable roof and undercut gallery. 2 entrances in middle bays. Exposed rafter-tails. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
348 Easterbrook Street (BD-425) -- Ca. 1900 with later additions. 1-story 4x1-bay Creole cottage with rear addition. Two entrances in center bays. Undercut gallery supported by pyramidal box columns on brick piers. (I) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
349 Easterbrook Street (BD-458) -- Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1-story 2x2-bay cottage with several projecting gabled section. Door flanked by sidelights. Exposed rafter-tails. Pyramidal box columns on stucco piers. (C)
350 Easterbrook Street (BD-424) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story 4x1-bay gable-roofed Creole cottage with rear addition. Two entrances in middle bays which are sheltered by a 2-bay porch with turned and bracketed posts.
353 Easterbrook Street (BD-459) -- (listed as 351) Ca. 1920. Bungalow style. 1-story 2x5-bay shotgun with front-gable orientation, undercut gallery, and exposed rafter-tails. Pyramidal columns on rusticated concrete block piers. (C)
355 Easterbrook Street (BD-460) -- (listed as 353) Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1-story 2x3-bay shotgun with front-gable orientation, undercut porch. Pyramidal box columns on stucco piers. Aluminum siding. (C)