McDonald Lane
101 McDonald Lane (BD-676) -- Ca. 1870. 1½-story gable-roofed 6x2-bay house with undercut gallery. 3 entrances onto porch. (P)
101a McDonald Lane (BD-677) -- Ca. 1870. Dependency. 1-story gable-roofed shed with undercut gallery. Off-center exterior chimney in rear. (C)
102 McDonald Lane (BD-675) -- (listed as 104) Ca. 1940. 1-story 3x2-bay gable-roofed cottage with recessed entrance bay flanked by 2 projecting front-gabled sections. (C)
106 McDonald Lane (BD-674) -- Ca. 1880. 1-story gable-roofed shotgun with undercut gallery, shed addition and exposed rafter-tails. (C)
109 McDonald Lane (BD-678) -- Ca. 1890. 1-story front-gabled shotgun with projecting hip-roofed porch and replaced posts. (C)
111 McDonald Lane (BD-679) -- (listed as 113) Ca. 1880. 1-story front-gabled shotgun with projecting hip-roofed porch which is supported by curved brackets and wood posts. Turned balusters. Diagonal boards in gable ends. (P)
117 McDonald Lane (BD-680) -- Ca. 1880. 1-story front-gabled shotgun with projecting hip-roofed porch. Curved brackets and wood posts. Diagonal boards in gable end. (P) (No longer standing)