Main Street
110 Main Street (BD-386) -- Ca. undetermined. 1-story concrete block building with corner pilasters and wide frieze. Central pedimented entrance. Bracketed entablature.
113 Main Street (BD-387) -- Ca. 1915. 1-story 5-bay brick commercial building with stepped parapet and raised-rectangular design in frieze. Pilastered walls. Transoms above large storefront windows. Modern side addition. (P)
114 Main Street (BD-385) -- Ca. 1905. Neo-Classical Revival. 1-story concrete building with recessed glass façade and pilastered corners. Molded cornice. (P)
125 Main Street (BD-388) -- 1925. Masonic Temple. Neo-Classical Revival. 3-story 5x3-bay brick building with recessed central entrance. Pilastered walls. Full entablature. (P)
126 Main Street (BD-384) -- Ca. 1955. Commercial building. 1-story concrete block building with brick veneer façade. 7-bay façade. Single leaf wooden doors with long glass light in 3-bays. Impress in concrete band is “Ladner and Stevenson.” (M)
128 Main Street (BD-383) -- Ca. 1920. 1-story 2x4-bay front-gabled frame house with exposed rafter-tails and brick veneer. (M) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
131 Main Street (BD-389) -- date undetermined. 2-story building with 5-bay façade remodeled with brick veneer, wood shingle and aluminum panel (I)

132 Main Street (BD-382) -- Ca. 1850. 1-story 4x2-bay gable-roofed Creole cottage with undercut gallery. 2 entrances in central bays. Double-leafed doors. Wood posts with capital moldings. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
136 Main Street (BD-381) -- Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1-story gable-roofed house with undercut gallery and 4-bay façade. 2 entrances in middle bays. Overhanging eaves. Exposed rafter-tails. Pyramidal box columns on brick piers. (C)
137 Main Street (BD-390) -- 1935. Post Office. Neo Classical Revival. 1-story 5x5-bay brick building with central entrance. Modern door. Concrete water table and architrave corbelled cornice. (C)
138 Main Street (BD-380) -- Ca. 1900. 2-story 4x2-bay hip-roofed house with carrara glass storefront on first floor. Located in the rear is an outbuilding containing bake ovens. (P)
141 Main Street (BD-391) -- Ca. 1965. 2-story 3x7-bay brick church with 2-stage steeple. Palladian window. Steeple with finial. Large 2-story side addition. Small brick building in rear. (M) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
142 Main Street (BD-379) -- Ca. 1900. Colonial Revival. 2-story hip roof house with central gable and undercut from the roofline a 2-bay, 2-tiered gallery and a 2-bay 2-story polygonal bay. (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
144 Main Street (BD-378) -- Ca. 1850. 1-story 2x3-bay gable-roofed cottage with undercut gallery. 2 double-leafed doors onto gallery. Paneled posts with capital moldings.
146 Main Street (BD-377) -- Ca. 1850. 1-story 4x2-bay gable-roofed Creole cottage with central chimney and 2 entrances in center bays. Undercut gallery supported by wooden posts with capital moldings. 1-story 4x2-bay cottage is joined at the rear. (P)
150 Main Street (BD-376) -- 1911. Neo-Classical Revival. 2-story stucco building with hip roof and monumental portico. Scamorzi capitals. Full entablature. 4-bay entrance way with transoms of diamond-shaped muntins.
151 Main Street (BD-392) -- (listed as 153) Ca. 1960. 1-story 2-bay brick commercial building with recessed bays. (M) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
153 Main Street (BD-393) -- (listed as 155) Ca. 1940. 1-story 5x5-bay brick commercial building with patterned brick frieze. (M)
159 Main Street (BD-394) -- Ca. 1950. Commercial block corner N. Second and Main. 1-story concrete block and poured concrete building with 1 original slant-front store window. Others incompatibly modernized. (M) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
162 Main Street (BD-374) -- 1895. Church, corner Second and Main. Gothic Revival. 1-story L-shaped church with gable roof. Steeple rises from the junction of the L. Cut-out verge screens. Gothic arched windows. Shiplap siding. (P)
200 Main Street (BD-395) -- Ca. 1880 but incompatibly modernized. 1-story 4x3-bay building with canted corner entrance. Mansard roof. “Colonial” details. (I)
201 Main Street (BD-500) -- Ca. 1890. 1-story 2x2-bay building with overhanging hip roof supported on modern iron posts. Some alteration but original door and window openings. Transoms and double-leaf doors. Canted corner entrance (C)
206 Main Street (BD-499) -- Ca. 1910. 1-story gable-on-hip-roofed shotgun with undercut gallery. (C)
207 Main Street (BD-501) -- Ca. 1925. 1-story 3x4-bay frame house with gable roof and exposed rafter-tails. Front-gabled entrance porch supported by turned posts and brick piers. 6-over-1 sash. (C)
209 Main Street (BD-502) -- Ca. 1930. 1-story 2x3-bay front-gabled cottage with front-gabled porch on turned posts. Screens with stick enrichment. (C)
209½ Main Street (BD-503) -- Ca. 1920. 1-story gable-roofed shotgun cottage with undercut gallery and scalloped porch valance. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
210 Main Street (BD-498) -- Ca. 1880 with ca 1905 alterations. A Creole cottage which has been extended. 1½-story 6x4-bay clapboard house with gable roof and undercut gallery. Polygonal bay on front elevation. Projecting gable with Palladian window. (Actually this house appears in the Sanbourne maps as 2 separate houses in 1898: a shotgun on the left and Creole cottage on the right. They were moved together by early 1900s to form the present complex single house. CHG)
211 Main Street (BD-504) -- Ca. 1920. Bungalow style. 1-storyh 3x3-bay gable-roofed house with exposed rafter-tails, gabled-dormers and carport. Pyramidal columns on brick piers. Undercut porch. Paired windows. (C)
212 Main Street (BD-497) -- Ca. 1880 with additions ca. 1910. 1-story gable-roofed house with undercut gallery. Two entrances in middle bays of undercut area. Two extra bays have been added to the house but these have no gallery. Gable projects over the central portion of the undercut section and contains a Palladian window. Wooden columns with capital moldings.
213 Main Street (BD-505) -- Ca. 1920. 1-story 2x3-bay gable-on-hip-roofed shotgun cottage with board-and-batten siding. (C)
215 Main Street (BD-506) -- Ca. 1880 with later additions. 1-story front-gabled house with L and other additions. Polygonal front bay. 1-sided porch. Bungalow style posts on brick piers.
216 Main Street (BD-496) -- Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1½-story front-gabled cottage with under cut gallery and shed-roofed dormers. Main façade is 5-bay with three entrances. Bracketed eaves. Pyramidal box columns supported by brick piers. Curved brick step-end wall.
220 Main Street (BD-495) -- Ca. 1929. Art Deco (Moderne). 1-story stucco building with central entrance flanked by large store windows. Rounded corners. Stepped parapet roofline.
301 Main Street (BD-507) -- Ca. 1940. Commercial building. 1-story 2x3-bay concrete block building constructed on an L-plan. Gable roof with boomtown front.
305 Main Street (BD-508) -- Ca. 1920. Mission style. 1-story 4x4-bay stucco house with hip roof undercut gallery. Polygonal bay. Arcaded porch. Off-center entrance with sidelights and transom.
306 Main Street (BD-491) -- Ca. 1925. 1-story 3x3-bay L-plan cottage with gable roof. Porch supported by posts on rusticated concrete block piers. (C)
307 Main Street (BD-509) -- Ca. 1935. 1½-story 3x3-bay gable-roofed house which is extended by polygonal bays at each end of the undercut porch. Stucco clad. Porch openings with rounded corners She-roofed dormer.
308 Main Street (BD-490) -- Ca. 1890. Queen Anne style. 1-story gable-on-hip-roofed shotgun with L-plan and 2-sided undercut porch. Cut-out porch posts with brackets. Sawn vergeboards. (P)
311 Main Street (BD-510) -- Ca. 1940. Colonial Revival style. 1½-story 3x2-bay house with central entrance, side porch, and gabled dormers. Paired windows.. Stucco clad.
313 Main Street (BD-511) -- Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1-story 3x4 gable-roofed house with offset front-gabled section. Recessed side hall entrance. Bracketed eaves, exposed rafter-tails. Casement windows on front elevation with large stone chimney between them. 1-bay entrance porch supported on stone pier. Curvy step-end walls. (P)
315 Main Street (BD-512) -- Ca. 1925. Meeting Hall. 2-story 3x9-bay clapboard building with stucco front. Gable-roofed with three monitor ventilators. Stucco front has central entrance recessed in round-arched opening. Pilastered walls banks of triple windows and overhanging eaves. (C)

319 Main Street (BD-513) -- Ca. 1925. Eclectic. 1-story 3x3-bay gable-roofed house with central entrance portico on Ionic columns. Cut-out vergeboards. Bracketed eaves. Exposed rafter-tails. Central entrance flanked by sidelights and groups of three long narrow windows. (C) (No longer standing)
321 Main Street (BD-514) -- (listed as 325) Ca. 1945. Colonial Revival. 1½-story 3x2-bay house with central entrance, gable-roofed dormers, and wings at each end. Paired windows. Stucco clad. (C)
328 Main Street (BD-489) -- Ca. 1920. 1-story 2x2-bay frame dwelling with hip roof. Projecting offset porch is also hipped and supported by groups of 3-paneled columns. Door surrounded with sidelights and transom. (C)
331 Main Street (BD-515) -- Ca. 1950. 1-story 2x2-bay L-plan house with side wing. Paired windows. Entrance on side of front-gabled section (C)
333 Main Street (BD-517) -- Ca. 1935. Bungalow-Colonial Revival style. 1-story 2x6-bay hip-roof house with undercut gallery supported by pyramidal columns. Exposed rafter-tails. Door surround with sidelights and segmental-arched transom with radiating muntins. Same transom over paired windows in second bay. (C)
335 Main Street (BD-516) -- Ca. 1870. 1-story 4x2-bay Creole cottage with gable roof, undercut gallery, and two entrances in center bays. Shed-roofed dormer.
336 Main Street (BD-488) -- Ca. 1950. 1-story hip-roofed house with 4-bay façade and front gabled projecting section. Brick veneer. (M)
337 Main Street (BD-518) -- Ca. 1870. 1-story 4x2-bay Creole cottage with gable roof, undercut gallery, and two entrances in middle bays. Rear addition. Cut-out balustrade and fan motif bracketed posts. (P)
338 Main Street (BD-487) -- Ca. 1870. 2-story 4x2-bay Creole cottage with gable roof and undercut gallery. Two entrances in central bays are double-leafed with shutters. Posts with capital moldings. Plain balustrade. (P)
339 Main Street (BD-519) -- Ca. 1920. 1-story front-gabled house with exposed rafter-tails. Hip-roofed front porch. Central entrance. (C)
341 Main Street (BD-520) -- Ca. 1870. 1-story 4x2-bay gable-roofed Creole cottage with two entrances in middle bays and undercut gallery. Double-leafed doors with shutters. Balustrade. (P)
342 Main Street (BD-486) -- Ca. 1870. 1-story 4x2-bay Creole cottage with gable roof and undercut gallery. Two entrances in center bays contain double-leaf doors. (P)
345 Main Street (BD-521) -- Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1-story 3x1-bay gable-roofed house. Constructed on a cruciform plan. Central porch projects and is supported on pyramidal columns and brick piers. Bracketed eaves. Exposed rafter-tails. (C)
346 Main Street (BD-485) -- (listed as 344) Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1-story front-gabled house with projecting offset front-gabled entrance porch, which is supported by stuccoed piers. Bracketed eaves. (C)
347 Main Street (BD-522) -- Ca. 1910. 1-story hip-roofed house with 4-bay façade, 3-bay undercut gallery. Projecting gable with decorated vergeboards. (C)
348 Main Street (BD-484) -- Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1-story front-gabled house with offset projecting front-gabled entrance porch. Bracketed eaves. Triple pyramidal posts on brick piers. (C)
349 Main Street (BD-523) -- Ca. 1960. 1-story 2x3-bay front-gabled house with aluminum siding and brick veneer. (I)
351 Main Street (BD-524) -- 1880. 1-story 4x1-bay frame house with gable roof, rear additions, and porch added to what was originally an undercut gallery. (C)

353 Main Street (BD-525) -- Ca. 1930. 1-story duplex with Bungalow-style details. Front-gable orientation. Entrance porch with alternated rafter-tails supported on rock faced concrete block. (C) (No longer standing)
354 Main Street (BD-483) -- (listed as 350) Ca. 1930 with modernizations. 1-story 3x5-bay frame house with additions. (M)
528 Main Street (MD-001) -- Ca. 1875. 1-story 2x3-bay shotgun cottage with L. Continuous porch on two sides. Bracketed porch posts and stickwork balustrade. Gable-on-hip roof. Doors with round-arched lights. (P)
532 Main Street (MD-002) -- Ca. 1880. 1-story 4x2-bay Creole cottage with gable roof, undercut gallery and central chimney. Entrances middle bays. (P)
534 Main Street (MD-003) -- Ca. 1880. 1-story 4x2-bay Creole cottage with gable roof, undercut gallery, and bracketed posts, which have been altered so they now rest on a brick half-wall. Entrances with transoms are located in middle bays. Central chimney. (C)
538 Main Street (MD-004) -- Ca. 1920. Bungalow style. 1-story stucco house with front-gable orientation and undercut gallery supported on three pairs of pyramidal box columns resting on raised stuccoed piers. The front gable is bracketed with half-timber treatment in the pediment. (P)
540 Main Street (MD-005) -- Ca. 1895. 1-story 2x3-bay shotgun cottage with front-gable orientation and undercut gallery. Porch supported on posts with balustrade and valance, which is turned and scalloped. Front gable contains square double light and is denticulated with partial returns. (P)
542 Main Street (MD-006) -- Ca. 1895. 1-story 2x3-bay shotgun cottage with front-gable orientation and undercut gallery. Bracketed posts, scalloped valance, denticulated front-gable frieze with partial returns. Square front-gable window with curved facing. (P)