Breath Lane
1 Breath Lane (BD-685) -- Ca. 1920. 1-story front-gabled house with projecting front porch. Shed on west side. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
2 Breath Lane (BD-686) -- Ca. 1920. 1-story front-gabled house with off-set front-gabled projecting porch. Pyramidal columns on rusticated concrete block piers. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
3 Breath Lane (BD-684) -- Ca. 1940. 1-story 2x2-bay gable-roofed cottage with shiplap siding. Gables and gabled-door hood on side elevation.
4 Breath Lane (BD-687) -- Ca. 1935. 1½-story 3x2-bay gable-roofed house with extended roofline in middle bay and gabled entrance bay. 2 gable-roofed dormers on front elevation. (C)
5 Breath Lane (BD-683) -- Ca. 1920. 1-story 4x2-bay gable-roofed house with undercut gallery across part of front elevation. Arched porch openings. Exposed rafter-tails. (C)
6 Breath Lane (BD-688) -- Ca. 1920. 1-story front-gabled cottage with attached front porch which projects beyond the side walls. Stickwork screening. (C)
7 Breath Lane (BD-682) -- Ca. 1935. 1-story 2x3-bay front-gabled house with projecting front-gabled bay and screened porch. Lattice in gable peak. Asbestos siding, exposed shaped rafter-tails. (C) (No longer standing)
8 Breath Lane (BD-689) -- Ca. 1950. 1-story 2x2-bay gable-roofed cottage with undercut porch and exposed rafter-tails. Paired windows. Asbestos siding. (C)