Second Street

110 North Second Street (BD-549) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story 2x4-bay gable-roofed house with projecting front-gabled porch. (C) (No longer standing)
111 North Second Street (BD-550) -- (listed as 109) Ca. 1960. Commercial building. 1-story concrete block and glass commercial building (M), located in front of a ca. 1-930 1½-story 3x4-bay frame building with front gable orientation and exposed rafter-tails. (C)

112 North Second Street (BD-548) -- Ca. 1930. 1-story 3x2-bay gabled house with projecting: front-gabled porch. Bracketed eaves. Box columns on rusticated concrete block piers. (C) (No longer standing)
113 North Second Street (BD-551) -- Ca. 1930. 1-story 3x3-bay front-gabled house with projecting front-gabled porch. Curved concrete-step end walls. Asbestos siding. Paired windows. (C)
201 North Second Street (BD-571) -- Ca. 1910. 1-story 2x3-bay hip-roofed house with gabled porch and gabled projecting section on the side elevation. Porch has been enclosed with modern sash. Other windows are paired with vertically divided upper sash. Ridge coping. (C)
209 North Second Street (BD-572) -- Ca. 1910. 1-story 4x3-bay house with hip roof and undercut porch. 2 entrances in center bays. (C)
215 North Second Street (BD-573) -- Ca. 1915. 1-story 2x2-bay L-plan house with gable-on-hip roof. (C)
303 North Second Street (BD-574) -- Ca. 1915. 1-story 2x3-bay T-plan house with gable roof and undercut porch supported on paired box columns resting on rusticated concrete block piers. (C)
305 North Second Street (BD-575) -- Ca. 1930. 1-story 2x3-bay hip-roofed cottage with undercut entrance bay. (C)
307 North Second Street (BD-576) -- Ca. 1920. 1-story 3x5-bay T-plan house with intercept gables. Ridge coping. Some modernization. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
310 North Second Street (BD-577) -- (listed as 308) Ca. 1890 with Bungalow-style alterations ca. 1925. 1-story 4x3-bay gable-roofed house with slate roof. Exposed rafter-tails. Bracketed gable ends. 1 double-leaf door with transom. (C)

321 North Second Street (BD-681) -- Ca. 1910. Bungalow style. 1-story 4x2-bay house with gable roof, undercut gallery and shed-roofed dormer. Polygonal corner bay. Exposed rafter-tails. Pyramidal columns on rusticated concrete block piers. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)

323 North Second Street (BD-690) -- Ca. 1910. Bungalow style. 1½-story 3x3-bay hip-roofed cottage with 2-bay undercut gallery and central entrance. Central hip-roofed dormer. Triple and paired windows. Exposed rafter-tails. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
400 North Second Street (BD-628) -- 1926. Bay St. Louis High School. Spanish Colonial Revival. 2-story 5x3-bay stucco building with shaped parapet roofline. Banks of windows on side bays. Central bay contains round-arched pairs of windows in round-arched recession. This bay is further enriched with pilasters and columns. (P)
502 North Second Street (BD-671) -- Ca. 1920. 1-story 4x5-bay gable-roofed house with projecting front-gabled porch which is supported by tapered columns on rusticated concrete block piers. Off-center entrance. (C)
503 North Second Street (BD-672) -- Ca. 1960. 1-story 3x4-bay concrete block house with side porch and carport. Central entrance. (I)
504 North Second Street (BD-670) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story 4x2-bay house with gable-on-hip roof and undercut gallery. Originally a 5-bay façade with central entrance. Now 2 bays have been connected to make a triple window. 5-bay porch with turned balustrade and bracketed posts. (C)
505 North Second Street (BD-673) -- Ca. 1935. 1½-story 3x2-bay hip-roofed house with central projecting section which terminates in a steeply pitched gable and is stuccoed. Gabled door hood. Exposed rafter-tails. (P)
506 North Second Street (BD-669) -- Ca. 1930. 1-story 2x1-bay gable-roofed cottage with attached front porch. Bracketed eaves.
518 North Second Street (BD-668) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story 5x2-bay hip-roofed house with centre entrance, undercut gallery and central projecting gable which is topped by a finial. Rectangular posts with capital molding. (P)
101 South Second Street (BD-373) -- (listed as ???) Ca. ____. Office building. 1-story modern structure. (I) (No longer standing)
108 South Second Street (BD-396) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story2x2-bay gable-on-hip roof. Shotgun with undercut cantilevered canopy. (P)
110 South Second Street (BD-397) -- Ca. 1870 with Bungalow-style alterations. 1-story 4x2 bay gable-roofed Creole cottage with undercut gallery and 2 entrances in center bays. Paired pyramidal box columns on paired brick piers. (C)
112 South Second Street (BD-398) -- Ca. 1885. 2-story 3x4-bay gable-on-hip-roofed frame building with 1-tiered undercut gallery. Diamond-shaped light in pediment. (P)
201 South Second Street (BD-360) -- (listed as 113) 1950. 1-story stucco commercial building with stepped parapet roofline and 3-bay façade. (C)
298 South Second Street (BD-399) -- (listed as 200) Ca. 1890. Queen Anne style. 1-story 4x3-bay gable-on-hip-roof Creole cottage with undercut gallery. 2 entrances in center bays. Segmental-arched transoms. Polygonal bay window on side elevation. Bracketed porch post. Spool-turned valence. (P)
299 South Second Street (BD-356) -- Ca. 1925. Old lumber shed with gable roof and exposed rafter-tails constructed on an L-plan.
300 South Second Street (BD-351) -- 1905. City Hall. Georgian Revival style. 2-story brick building wth hip roof, topped by a balustraded front gabled portico and central entrance. Main entrance on upper level from stairway at each side of portico. Classical detailing. (P)
302 South Second Street (BD-352) -- 1905. 1-story hip-roofed cottage with 4-bay façade and undercut gallery. 2 entrances in middle bays. Rectangular posts with capitals and moldings. (C)
303 South Second Street (BD-355) -- Ca. 1950. School. 2-story concrete block school with projecting concrete canopy which covers walkway. (I)
304 South Second Street (BD-353) -- Ca. 1910. 1-story 4x3-bay hip-roofed cottage with undercut gallery. 2 entrances in middle bays. Gallery supported on paired posts. (C)
308 South Second Street (BD-354) -- Ca. 1930. 1-story 2x3-bay front-gabled house with undercut gallery and shiplap siding. Stucco piers with replaced metal columns. Demolished August 2006 (No longer standing)