North Beach Boulevard
100 North Beach Boulevard (BD-041) -- Ca. 1950. Commercial building. 1-story concrete block commercial building with canted corner entrance. Row of storefront windows on front and side elevations. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
104-0108 North Beach Boulevard (BD-040) -- Ca. 1940. Ramsey’s Dept. Store. 2-story brick building with stucco façade. Steeped ornamentation on north corner of the second floor. Art Deco neon sign (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
116 North Beach Boulevard (BD-039) -- (listed as 112) Ca. 1935. 1-story 3x4-bay rusticated concrete block building with gable roof. Recessed central entrance. Transom spans width of the building. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
118 North Beach Boulevard (BD-038) -- Ca. 1930. Bungalow-Mission style. 1-story 4x6-bay stucco house with flat parapet roof. Undercut porch supported on pyramidal posts on piers. Central entrance with transom and sidelight. Tile window hoods. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
150 North Beach Boulevard (BD-037) -- (listed as 120) 1927. A & G Theatre Building. Spanish Colonial Revival. 1-story brick building with 2-story false front. Shaped and stepped parapet with ball finials. Recessed central entrance. Canopy (P)
200 North Beach Boulevard (BD-036) -- 1900 with later applied stucco cladding. 2-story 6x5-bay brick building clad with stucco. Canted corner entrance. Denticulated cornice. Inset tiles below cornice. Some recent alterations including 2-story iron balcony. (C)
208 North Beach Boulevard (BD-035) -- Ca. 1890. 1½-story 5x4-bay clapboard house with gable roof. Projecting porch supported on rectangular posts with capitals. Added gable-roofed dormer. Turned balusters, exterior staircase. Central entrance with sidelights and transom. (C) (Note by CHG. The dormer is original to the house) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
212 North Beach Boulevard (BD-034) -- Ca. 1945. Spanish Colonial Revival style. 2-story 4x6-bay irregular plan house with parapeted walls. Tile and shed-roofed porch supported by spiraled columns. Porch has arched openings. French door. (P) House number reads 300.
216 North Beach Boulevard (BD-033) -- Ca. 1945. Mission style. 2-story irregular plan house stucco-clad with tile hip roof and tile hip-roof projecting entrance porch. Casement windows. Arched porch supports. (P)
218 North Beach Boulevard (BD-032) -- Pre 1883, altered ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1½-story 5x2-bay frame house with gable roof, shed dormer and undercut gallery supported on rectangular posts with capitals. French doors in the second and fourth bays. Central chimney. Exposed rafter-tails. (C)
220 North Beach Boulevard (BD-031) -- Pre 1893, altered and disconnected from 218 N. Beach ca. 1925. 1-story 2x10-bay shotgun cottage with gable roof. Projecting shed-roofed porch clad with Spanish tiles. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
222 North Beach Boulevard (BD-030) -- Pre-1889 with later alterations. Bungalow style. 1½-story 5x3-bay frame house with gable roof and shed dormer with balcony. Undercut porch on brick piers. Bracket side eaves. 3 entrances onto porch. (C)
224 North Beach Boulevard (BD-029) -- "Carroll Plantation". Ca. 1870 with later details. 1½–story 5x3-bay frame dwelling with hip roof and undercut gallery. Gable-roofed dormers. Main entrance is centrally located flanked by 2 secondary entrances. Porch supported on rectangular post with capitals which are bracketed. (C)
226 North Beach Boulevard (BD-028) -- Ca. 1970. Queen Anne cottage reproduction. 1½-story 5x2-bay façade house with undercut gallery, central entrance and gable roof. (C)
400 North Beach Boulevard (BD-027) -- Ca. 1928. Former Weston Hotel. Mission Revival style. 2-story brick L-plan building with shaped parapet roof with 2 small towers each with time hip roof. Paired round-arched windows on first floor of main block. Other windows 12-over-1 sash. (C)
406 North Beach Boulevard (BD-026) -- Ca. 1890 with some Colonial Revival details and added dormers. 1½-story 7x4-bayhouse with gable roof and clapboard siding. Undercut gallery supported on paired posts with lattice. Central entrance with double-leaf doors and 2 secondary entrances. (C)
408 North Beach Boulevard (BD-025) -- Ca. 1900. Colonial Revival. 1½-story 5x7-bay frame house with gable-on-hip roof and hip-roofed dormers. Shiplap siding. Balustraded balcony. Undercut gallery. Central entrance with transom and sidelights. (C)
410 North Beach Boulevard (BD-024) -- Ca. 1940. Colonial Revival. 1½-story 3x2-bay frame house with central entrance flanked by large windows. Gable roof with gable-roofed central dormer. (C)
502 North Beach Boulevard (BD-023) -- 1889. Queen Anne style. 1½-story 5x7-bay house with gable roof and central entrance. 3 dormers, 1 polygonal. Bracketed porch posts. Cut-out bargeboards. Shingle enrichment and patterned clapboarding. (P) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
504 North Beach Boulevard (BD-022) -- Ca. 1970. 2-story brick dwelling with hip and ornate iron second floor balcony. (I)
506 North Beach Boulevard (BD-021) -- Date undetermined. 1½-story frame house with gable-on-hip roof. 3-bay façade. Central gable with balustraded balcony. Front porch supported on turned posts. Off-center doorway. (C)
510 North Beach Boulevard (BD-020) -- Ca. 1935. 2-story stuccoed L-plan house with gable roof and second floor balcony. Segmental-arched door surround. Peaked ventilators and tile ridge coping. (P)
600 North Beach Boulevard (BD-019) -- Ca. 1925. Colonial Revival. 2-story 5x2-bay gable-roofed stucco house with central entrance and 1-story projecting porch. Casement windows. Lattice between columns. (P)
604 North Beach Boulevard (BD-018) -- Ca. 1930. 2-story 3x3-bay front gabled house with overhanging eaves which are bracketed on the front elevation. Projecting porch and carport. (C)
606 North Beach Boulevard (BD-017) -- Ca. 1925. 1½-story frame house with hip roof. Gabled dormer and projecting gabled porch which is stuccoed and has curved openings. Door Surround with sidelights and transom. (C)
610 North Beach Boulevard (BD-016) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story 7x3-bay gable-roofed house with projecting front porch and central entrance. Rear building still standing. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
612 North Beach Boulevard (BD-015) -- Ca. 1910. Colonial Revival. 1½-story 3x4-bay house. Hip-roofed dormers. Brick veneer first floor. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
614 North Beach Boulevard (BD-014) -- Ca. 1970. 1-story modern brick house with gable roof. 3-bay front façade, one bay enclosed. Porch extended to form carport. (I) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
616 North Beach Boulevard (BD-013) -- "Breath House". Ca. 1820 with Queen Anne style additions ca. 1880. Rectangular plan gable-roofed main block with added central gable polygonal bay and turreted porch. Bracketed undercut gallery. Shingle and scroll-sawn decoration. (P) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
618 North Beach Boulevard (BD-012) -- (listed as 620) Ca. 1900. Queen Anne style. 1½-story frame dwelling with gable roof polygonal bay. 5-bay façade with 4-bay undercut porch. 3 gabled dormers. (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)

630 North Beach Boulevard (BD-011) -- Ca. 1970. Office building. 5x2-bay hip-roofed building of brick veneer with undercut gallery supported on columns. (M) (Kergosien’s) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
632 North Beach Boulevard (BD-010) -- Ca. 1915. 1½-story 5x5-bay house with gable roof and hip roofed dormer. Undercut front porch which is stuccoed and has arched openings. Central entrance, double-leafed door with transom and sidelights. Bracketed gable ends. (P) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
634 North Beach Boulevard (BD-009) -- Ca. 1915. 2-story frame house with gable roof and irregular plan. 4-bay façade with entrance in second bay, surrounded by pilasters and entablature. Casement windows. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
636 North Beach Boulevard (BD-008) -- Ca. 1925. 1½-story 4x2-bay house with gable roof. Gable roofed dormer. 1-bay undercut porch. Aluminum siding. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
638 North Beach Boulevard (BD-007) -- Ca. 1910. Colonial Revival. 1½-story frame house with hip roof, 2 hip-roofed dormers, and front gable section with partial returns. Projecting balustraded square porch. Palladian window. Pilastered corners. (P) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
640 North Beach Boulevard (BD-006) -- Ca. 1915. Bungalow style. 1½-story 5x2-bay house with gable roof flared over undercut porch. Shed-roofed dormer. Central entrance with sidelights. Pyramidal columns on rusticated concrete block piers. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
642 North Beach Boulevard (BD-005) -- Ca. 1910 1½-story 5x2-bay gable roof with flared front eve over the undercut porch. 3 doors in the center bays. Aluminum siding. (C) . (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
646 North Beach Boulevard (BD-004) -- Ca. 1920. Bungalow style. 1½-story 5x3-bay house with hip roof, undercut gallery and shed dormer. Pairs of pyramidal box columns rest on piers of rusticated concrete b lock. Central entrance. (P) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
647 North Beach Boulevard (BD-003) -- Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1½-story 7x2-bay cottage with jerkinhead roof and exposed rafter-tails. Side porch and entrance portico. French doors, casement windows. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
648 North Beach Boulevard (BD-002) -- Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1½-story 4x2-bay house with gable roof, undercut gallery and shed dormer. Bracketed eaves, side elevation. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
651 North Beach Boulevard (BD-001) -- Ca. 1930. Bungalow style. 1-story 3x5-bay frame house with jerkinhead roof undercut on 3 sides by a porch supported by square posts on brick piers. Central entrance with transoms and sidelights. (P) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
800 North Beach Boulevard (ED-001) -- Ca. 1890. 1-story 4x4-bay frame dwelling with projecting polygonal bay and steep gable roof. Undercut gallery. Three door openings onto porch. (P) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)

804 North Beach Boulevard (ED-002) -- Ca. 1950. 1-story shingled cottage. Modern design. Irregular plan. Projecting gabled bay. Overhanging eaves. Designed to fit the landscape. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
806 North Beach Boulevard (ED-003) -- "Glen Oak". Ca. 1820, altered Ca. 1890. 1-story 3x3-bay shingled house with gable roof. Front gabled portico. Polygonal bays added to corners of the original rectangular plan. (P) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
808 North Beach Boulevard (ED-004) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story 5x3-bay frame dwelling with hip roof, and undercut gallery. Off-center entrance. Transom over door. (P) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
810 North Beach Boulevard (ED-005) -- Ca. 1940. 1-story 2x2-bay front-gabled cottage with paired windows, exposed rafter-tails, and asphalt siding. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
812 North Beach Boulevard (ED-006) -- Ca. 1965. Polynesian Modern. 2-story house constructed in three sections, each with hip roof which terminates in a four-sided shingled projection resembling a chimney. Second story overhangs the first. Large central chimney. Vertical board siding. (M) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
814 North Beach Boulevard (ED-007) -- Ca. 1900. Mission-style elements. 1-story 3x2-bay stucco dwelling with truncated hip roof of slate and undercut gallery. Three entrances onto gallery. Arched portico leading into garage on side elevation. (P) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
816 North Beach Boulevard (ED-008) -- Ca. 1900. 1½-story 5x3-bay frame house with central entrance, hip roof, and undercut gallery supported by three fluted Doric columns. Door surround with side lights and transom. Diagonal boards enrich frieze. Shed-roofed dormer. (P) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
818 North Beach Boulevard (ED-009) -- Ca. 1915, altered after 1930. 2-story 3x2- bay gable-roofed house clad with clapboard. Overhanging bracketed eaves. Main entrance is on second floor level, with stickwork-balustraded stairway leading to it. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
900 North Beach Boulevard (ED-010) -- (listed as 902) "Elmwood Manor" Begun before 1812, completed 1828. 2½-story 5x5-bay brick dwelling with pyramidal hip roof, front and rear undercut galleries, and gabled dormers enriched with colonettes. Door with transom located in middle bays provide access to gallery on each of three floors. (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)