Railroad Avenue
125 Railroad Avenue (BD-359) -- Ca. 1880. Queen Anne style. One of 2 cottages each 1-story and constructed on an L-plan with a projecting polygonal bay which terminates in a gable roof. Canted corner windows, angled window brackets. Cut-out verge screens.
127 Railroad Avenue (BD-358) -- Ca. 1880. Queen Anne style. One of 2 cottages each 1-story and constructed on an L-plan with a projecting polygonal bay which terminates in a gable roof. Canted corner windows, angled window brackets. Cut-out verge screens.
129 Railroad Avenue (BD-357) -- Ca. 1890. Queen Anne style. 2-story gable-roofed house with irregular plan. Gabled are enriched with decorative verge screens. 1-storyshed-roofed porch with turned posts and elaborate wood enrichment.
226 Railroad Avenue (BD-348) -- (listed as Hancock and Railroad) Ca. 1925. 1-story front-gabled building with overhanging eaves, undercut gallery and 3-bay façade. Concrete block and corrugated metal cladding. (C) Fred McDonald house.
301 Railroad Avenue (BD-400) -- Ca. 1900 with Bungalow-style alterations. 1-story hip-roofed house with 4-bay façade and projecting gable. Undercut gallery. 2 entrances in middle bays. Bungalow-style pyramidal columns on brick piers. (C)
303 Railroad Avenue (BD-401) -- Ca. 1945. 1-story gable-roofed asbestos sided building with central entrance. (M) (No longer standing)
305 Railroad Avenue (BD-402) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story 5x4-bay front-gabled house with undercut gallery. Entrances in second and fourth bay. Shingled pediment. (P)

401 Railroad Avenue (BD-404) -- Ca. 1960. 1-story L-plan shotgun cottage with gable roof and two-sided gallery. (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)