Sycamore Street

101 Sycamore Street (BD-248) -- Ca. 1975. 1-story 2x3-bay front-gabled house with wings. Vertical board siding. (I) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
102 Sycamore Street (BD-247) -- Ca. 1930. Mission style. 1-story 3x3-bay stucco house with stepped-parapet roofline. Central entrance with projecting entrance porch with segmental-arched openings. Tile window hoods. Triple casement windows. (P) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)

103 Sycamore Street (BD-249) -- Ca. 1930. 1-story 2x3-bay hip-roofed house with overhanging eaves. Paired windows. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
105 Sycamore Street (BD-250) -- Ca. 1965. 1-story 2x3-bay front-gabled house with brick veneer. (I) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
106 Sycamore Street (BD-246) -- (listed as 104) Ca. 1930. Mission style. 1-story 2x2-bay stucco dwelling with parapeted roofline. Tile window hoods. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
108 Sycamore Street (BD-245) -- Ca. 1920. Bungalow style. 1-story 2x2-bay front-gabled cottage with 1-bay front-gabled entrance porch clad with stucco. Exposed rafter tails. Lattice vent at gable peak. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
111 Sycamore Street (BD-251) -- Ca. 1930. Bungalow style. 1-story 3x4-bay gable-on-hip-roofed house with gable-roofed section. Paired windows. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
115 Sycamore Street (BD-252) -- Ca. 1880. 1-story shotgun cottage with hip roof and undercut gallery. L-plan with 2 sided gallery. Scroll-sawn enrichment. (C)
116 Sycamore Street (BD-244) -- Ca. 1960. 1-story 3-bay L-plan house with shiplap siding. (M) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
118 Sycamore Street (BD-243) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story 1x2-bay shotgun house with hip roof. Enclosed front porch projects from front elevation. Cottage in rear which is L-shaped with a hip roof and cupola. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
119 Sycamore Street (BD-253) -- Ca. 1910. 1-story frame cottage with gable-on-hip-roof and undercut gallery. 3-bay façade each with multi-lit doors and transoms. Shingled gable peak. Box columns on rusticated concrete block piers. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
120 Sycamore Street (BD-242) -- Ca. 1960. 1-story 3-bay L-plan house. (C)
121 Sycamore Street (BD-254) -- Ca. 1920. 1-story gable-on-hip roof cottage with undercut gallery supported on box columns which rest on rusticated concrete block piers. (C)
123 Sycamore Street (BD-255) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story L-plan dwelling with hip roof and gable sections. Enclosed porch. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
126 Sycamore Street (BD-241) -- Ca. 1970. 2-story stilt house with front gable orientation. (I)
128 Sycamore Street (BD-240) -- Ca. 1925. 2x3-bay with a 1-bay recessed porch. Bungalow style column. Clapboard siding. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)

128½ Sycamore Street (BD-239) -- Ca. 1925. 2x3-bay with a 1-bay recessed porch. Bungalow style column altered. Asphalt siding. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
130 Sycamore Street (BD-238) -- Ca. 1925 Bungalow style. 1-story 4x4-bay clapboard front-gabled house with front-gabled projecting section. Pyramidal box column on pyramidal pier. Stucco front elevation. (C)
131 Sycamore Street (BD-256) -- Ca. 1970. 1-story 3x3-bay shiplap-sided house with front-gabled orientation. (M)

133 Sycamore Street (BD-257) -- Ca. 1910. 1 –story 3x2-bay gable-roofed house with attached front porch. Central entrance with sidelight. Italianate-style door with round-arched lights. Porch roof has exposed rafter-tails and is supported by pyramidal columns. (C) (Note: unknown address. There appears to be no space between 131 and 135) (No longer standing)
135 Sycamore Street (BD-258) -- Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1-story 3x2-bay gable-roofed house with exposed rafter-rafter-tails and bracketed eaves. Undercut gallery on pyramidal box columns. Central entrance with sidelights. Italianate-style door with round-arched lights. (C)
206 Sycamore Street (BD-233) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story gable-roofed dwelling with undercut gallery and 3-bay façade with central entrance. Bungalow-style porch posts on brick piers. Addition to side and rear. (C)
208 Sycamore Street (BD-232) -- Ca. 1940. 1-story 3x3-bay frame cottage with brick veneer front and other intrusive alterations. (I) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
209 Sycamore Street (BD-260) -- Ca. 1920. Bungalow style. 1-story 2x3-bay house with front gable orientation and front-gabled entrance porch. Paired windows. Modernized columns. (C)
210 Sycamore Street (BD-231) -- Ca. 1945. 1-story 3x3 –bay frame cottage with front-gable orientation and undercut porch. Vertical siding and modern window sash. (I) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
212 Sycamore Street (BD-230) -- Ca. 1850. 1-story gable-roofed Creole cottage with undercut gallery and 4-bay façade. Two entrances in center bays. Rectangular posts with capitals. Cornice originally enriched with dentils but these are now missing. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
216 Sycamore Street (BD-229) -- Ca. 1905. 1-story gable-on-hip-roofed cottage with undercut gallery. Door flanked by sidelight. Cut-out wood detailing enriches porch. (P)
217 Sycamore Street (BD-261) -- Ca. 1935. 1-story front-gabled cottage with undercut gallery. Off-center entrance. Metal siding and windows. (M)
218 Sycamore Street (BD-228) -- (listed as 220) Ca. 1930. 1-story 2x3-bay bungalow with undercut porch and exposed rafter-tails. Boxed corner columns. Aluminum siding. (C)
219 Sycamore Street (BD-262) -- Ca. 1890. 1-story gable-on-hip-roofed shotgun cottage with undercut porch supported by rectangular posts with fan motif brackets. Gallery is 2 sided. (P)
221 Sycamore Street (BD-263) -- Ca. 1970. 1-story 4x2-bay house with hip roof and brick veneer. (I)
224 Sycamore Street (BD-227) -- Ca. 1915. Bungalow style. 1-story gable-roofed shotgun cottage with undercut gallery supported on pyramidal box columns on rusticated concrete block piers. Diamond-shaped louvered opening in gable. (P)
226 Sycamore Street (BD-226) -- Ca. 1910. 1-story hip-roof shotgun cottage with undercut gallery supported by wood posts with fan motif brackets. (C)
227 Sycamore Street (BD-264) -- Ca. 1940. 1-story front-gable house with 3-bay façade. Gabled porch removed. (M) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
228 Sycamore Street (BD-225) -- Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1-story 2x3-bay cottage with front-gable orientation and 1-bay recessed porch. Paired windows. Exposed rafter- tails. Asphalt siding. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
229 Sycamore Street (BD-265) -- Ca. 1915. Bungalow-style. 1-story front-gabled house with undercut gallery and 4-bay façade. 2 entrances in central bays. Tapered box columns on rusticated concrete block piers. (C)
231 Sycamore Street (BD-266) -- Ca. 1935. 1-story 4x3-bay front-gabled cottage with undercut gallery and exposed rafter-tails. (C)
232 Sycamore Street (BD-224) -- (listed as 234) Ca. 1930. 1-story 2x3-bay front-gabled cottage with 1-bay undercut entrance porch. Exposed rafter-tails. (C)
233 Sycamore Street (BD-267) -- Ca. 1935. 1-story 3x4-bay front-gabled house with gabled entrance porch. Asbestos siding. Paired windows. (C)
235 Sycamore Street (BD-268) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story Creole cottage which has been modernized as that it is now an L-plan with a 1-bay porch. (M)
237 Sycamore Street (BD-269) -- Ca. 1940. 1-story 2x3-bay front-gabled cottage with front-gabled entrance porch. Exposed rafter-tails. (C)
238 Sycamore Street (BD-223) -- Ca.1930. 1-story 4x3-bay front-gabled house with undercut porch. Clad with stucco. (C)
239 Sycamore Street (BD-270) -- Ca. 1940. 1-story 2x3-bay cottage of brick veneer. Projecting front-gabled section and a 2-bay porch. (C)
240 Sycamore Street (BD-222) -- Ca. 1970. 1-story gable-roofed dwelling with 3-bay façade and central entrance. Clad with unpainted vertical board. Bay windows. (I)
241 Sycamore Street (BD-271) -- Ca. 1925. 1-story 3x2 frame house. (I)
243 Sycamore Street (BD-272) -- Ca. 1925. 1-story 2x2-bay shotgun with L-plan. Front gable orientation. Undercut gallery. (C)
245 Sycamore Street (BD-273) -- Ca. 1915. Bungalow style with Colonial Revival element. 1-story gabble-roofed cottage with 3-bay façade. Undercut gallery and central entrance with sidelights and transom. Exposed rafter-tails. Tapered porch posts on rusticated concrete block piers. (C)
246 Sycamore Street (BD-221) -- Ca. 1926. Valena C. Jones Methodist Episcopal Church. 1-story front gable church, the gable of which is interrupted by a gable tower containing a gothic-arched vent. Large gothic-arched window on the main façade. Entry vestibule is on the side elevation and is also gabled-roofed. Stucco Clad. (P)
248 Sycamore Street (BD-220) -- Ca.1850/1915. Two Creole cottages have been attached at right angles: the rear section being the oldest: Each has a 4-bay façade with two entrances in the center bays and an undercut gallery supported by wood posts with capital molding. (P) Both were demolished over objections by the Society in 2006. (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
249 Sycamore Street (BD-274) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story shotgun cottage with gable-on-hip roof and undercut gallery. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
250 Sycamore Street (BD-219) -- Ca. 1870. 1-story Creole cottage with gable roof, undercut gallery, and 4-bay façade with two entrances in central bays. Wooden porch posts with capital moldings. (C) (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
251 Sycamore Street (BD-275) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story shotgun cottage with gable-on-hip roof and undercut gallery. (C)
252 Sycamore Street (BD-218) -- Ca. 1935. 1-story 3x3-bay cottage with projecting porch. Paired windows. Some modernization. (M)
253 Sycamore Street (BD-276) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story shotgun cottage with gable-on-hip roof and undercut gallery. (C)
254 Sycamore Street (BD-217) -- Ca. 1910. Bungalow style. 1-story L-plan house with polygonal front bay, front gable orientation, and undercut porch. Bracketed front gable treatment is repeated in the gable which tops the polygonal bay. Tapered posts on brick piers. (P)
255 Sycamore Street (BD-277) -- Ca. 1930. 1-story 2x3-bay front-gable house which is attached to the store on the corner. Paired windows with vertically divided upper sash. (C)
256 Sycamore Street (BD-216) -- 1950. First Baptist Church. 1-story 5x5-bay concrete block and brick church with central gable and flaking hip-roofed towers. Central entrance with segmental-arched openings. Brick (? quoining) around doors and windows. (C)
500 Sycamore Street (SD-001) -- (listed as Sycamore and St. Francis) "Big 5 Club". Ca. 1910. 1-story frame commercial building with front-gable orientation and canted corner entrance. Front gable is clad with boards laid in a chevron pattern; canopy shelters front façade. Double-leaf door with transom. Rear section used as residence. (P) (No longer standing)
501 Sycamore Street (SD-002) -- "Bobby's Lounge". Ca. 1920. 1-story 3x4-bay frame commercial structure with front-gable orientation. Shed-roofed canopy covers half of the front elevation and rounds the southeast corner. Off-center door flanked by banks of windows. (C) (No longer standing)
509 Sycamore Street (SD-003) -- Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1-story dwelling with front-gable orientation; undercut gallery supported on turned posts, which rest on masonry piers. Bracketed front gable. Three-bay façade with central entrance and paired windows. (P) (No longer standing)
519 Sycamore Street (SD-004) -- Ca. 1920. Bungalow style. 1-story 2x2-bay front-gabled dwelling with front and rear undercut galleries. Exposed rafter-tails and asbestos siding. Porch supported on tapering posts resting on concrete piers. Curved step cheeks. (C)

520 Sycamore Street (SD-010) -- Ca. 1910. 1-story shotgun cottage with gable-on-hip roof, enclosed porch, side-L clad with aluminum siding. (C)
523 Sycamore Street (SD-005) -- Ca. 1895. 1-story Georgian-plan house with a five-bay façade, hip roof, and undercut gallery. Centrally placed front gable with Palladian-motif louvered opening. Polygonal bays on side elevations with corner brackets. Central entrance with side lights. (P)

525 Sycamore Street (SD-006) -- Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1-story 3x5-bay front gabled cottage with projecting 1-bay porch supported on squared columns. Exposed rafter-tails. Paired windows. Central entrance with side lights and transom. Two-story modern garage buildings also located on property. (C)
531 Sycamore Street (SD-007) -- Ca. 1870. 1½-story 5x2-bay with gable roof and undercut gallery. Three front entrances provide access to the gallery. Original 4-panel doors. Porch valence partially intact. (P) (No longer standing)

541 Sycamore Street (SD-008) -- Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1-story 4x4-bay Creole cottage with front-gable orientation. Main block has exposed rafter-tails, paired windows, and projecting front porch. 1-bay gabled rear section possibly of earlier construction. (C)
551 Sycamore Street (SD-009) -- Ca. 1880, later alterations. 1-story Creole cottage with gable-roof undercut gallery. 4-bay façade with entrances in the middle bays. (C)