Ulman Avenue

109 Ulman Avenue (BD-646) -- Ca. 1930. Commercial building. 1-story flat parapet roofed building with round-arched lights on the front elevation. Stucco clad. (P) Ca. 1945 frame house in rear. (C) 
111 Ulman Avenue (BD-647) -- Ca. 1930. Commercial building. 1-story stucco building with several additions which form an L-shape. Flat parapeted roofline. Former gas station. Several covered car pull-in areas. Office was 109 Ulman. (C) 
114 Ulman Avenue (BD-645) -- (listed as 106) Ca. 1970. Church. 1-story brick and vertical board church with steep central gable. (I) 
116 Ulman Avenue (BD-644) -- Ca. 1905. 1-story 3x4-bay house with hip roof, undercut gallery and gabled dormers. Large gabled dormer with a balcony projects from the roof of the front elevation. Central entrance. Paired columns. (P) "Drake House". 
120 Ulman Avenue (BD-643) -- Ca. 1900 with porch ca. 1925. 1-story hip-roofed house with central chimney. Front porch extends beyond the building perimeter at 1 end. The other end contains a further projecting entrance porch with front-gabled roof. This is supported by pyramidal columns on brick piers. (C) 
122 Ulman Avenue (BD-642) -- Ca. 1930. Remodeled ca. 1960. 1-story irregular plan house. (M) 
123 Ulman Avenue (BD-648) -- Ca. 1890. 1½-story 5x2-bay house with central entrance with sidelights and transom, and a central gable with paired round-arched windows. Other openings onto porch are double-leaf doors. 
124 Ulman Avenue (BD-641) -- Ca. 1920. Bungalow style. 1-story front-gabled house with 3-bay façade and offset projecting porch which is also front-gabled and supported by pyramidal box columns on brick piers. Vertically divided upper sash. (C) 
126 Ulman Avenue (BD-640) -- Ca. 1950. Former service station. 1-story 3x3-bay enamel paneled structure. Openings have been enclosed with vertical board and a door with sidelights has been added to the central bay to change this to a residence. (M) 
127 Ulman Avenue (BD-649) -- Ca. 1900. 1-story gable-on-hip-roofed house with undercut 5-bay gallery. Main façade is 3-bay with a central entrance which consists of a multi-lit french door and transom. Turned posts and elaborate porch valence. (C) 
201 Ulman Avenue (BD-650) -- Ca. 1945. Former service station. 1-story 3x2-bay brick building with gable roof and steeply pitched central gable. Paired windows. Side addition. (C) 
205 Ulman Avenue (BD-651) -- (listed as 203) Ca. 1925. Dutch Colonial Revival style. 1½-story 5x2-bay gambrel-roofed house with shed-dormers and central entrance. Projecting front porch and side porch with attenuated rafter-ends. (P) 
205½ Ulman Avenue (BD-652) -- (listed as 205) Ca. 1940. Commercial building. 1-story 2x3-bay Art Moderne building with side addition. Concrete. (C)  (No longer standing)
207 Ulman Avenue (BD-653) -- J. R. Ingram Building. 1956. 1-story 3x6-bay brick building with gable roof. (L) 
300 Ulman Avenue (BD-639) -- Ca. 1975. School building. 1-story 5-bay building of concrete and aluminum panel. Parapeted end walls. (I) 
301 Ulman Avenue (BD-654) -- Ca. 1940. 1-story 3x4-bay stucco house with hip roof, gabled entrance porch and central entrance. Trefoil arched porch openings. (C) 
302 Ulman Avenue (BD-638) -- Ca. 1930. Commercial building. 1-story rusticated concrete block building with gable roof. 2 smaller buildings on either side. 1 is rusticated concrete block with gable roof. The other is a 2-bay brick building with hip roof (C)  (No longer standing)
303 Ulman Avenue (BD-655) -- (listed as 305) Ca. 1930. Commercial building. Art Moderne. 1-story 1x2-bay stucco building with rounded corners and curved windows. Attached on the west is a stucco façade with stepped parapet roofline which conceals a gable-roofed frame building behind it. (P)  (No longer standing)
306 Ulman Avenue (BD-637) -- Ca. 1925. Commercial building. Bungalow style in commercial form. 2-story stucco building with stepped parapet roofline and undercut 2-bay first floor porch. 3 openings are angled and supported by pyramidal box columns on piers. (P)  (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
307 Ulman Avenue (BD-656) -- Ca. 1925. Bungalow style. 1½-story gable-roofed house with 4-bay façade and 3-bay undercut porch. Paired columns on brick piers. Gable dormer. Exposed rafter-tails. (C)  (Destroyed by hurricane Katrina)
311 Ulman Avenue (BD-657) -- Ca. 1890. 1-story L-plan house with hip roof and undercut gallery. Elaborate balustrade, bracketed posts. (P) 
313 Ulman Avenue (BD-658) -- Ca. 1930. Residence, possibly originally commercial use. 1-story 3x5 bay gable-roofed frame building with stepped parapet stuccoed front façade. 2 entrances: 1 single leafed, 1 with french doors. Gabled hoods over each entrance. (C) 
315 Ulman Avenue (BD-659) -- Ca. 1950. 1-story 3x2-bay gable-roofed house with central entrance. (M) 
317 Ulman Avenue (BD-660) -- Ca. 1930. Commercial building. Art Moderne. 1-story building of rusticated concrete block with rounded corner which contains glass block. Remainder of front façade contains glass door and large store window. 
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