Obituary Record

Blakemore, Allen Bruce  -  July 24, 1901


Waveland was the scene of a shocking accident Wednesday morning between the hours of 8 and 9 o'clock, when Allen Bruce Blakemore, aged eight weeks, was made a victim and claimed from the loving hearts of his parents. Mr. Blakemore is a New Orleanian spending the summer with his family at Waveland. As usual he drove down to the station Wednesday morning to take the train for New Orleans. He was accompanied by his son and the nurse. As soon as the train pushed out the nurse drove to the the home of John R. Fell, to obtain artesian water for use in the home, this custom being adhered to every day.

When the driver had reached the inner yard, and left the reins in the nurse's hands while he went back to close the gate, the horse became frightened and ran. In vain the nurse tried to stop the animal. She screamed for help, but this frightened the horse still more. The driver ran to the horse's head, but was knocked down and run over, and painfully injured. After one or two turns at a mad rate around the small inclosure the carriage struck a post, hurling the helpless occupants to the ground. The child received a broken arm and such severe internal injuries that he died two hours later. The nurse was painfully but not seriously injured.

In the meantime the husband and father was speeding towards the city utterly oblivious of the tragedy which was being enacted at his summer home. Hardly had he arrived before a telegram announcing the dread news was thrust into his hand. He chartered an engine and special car and hurried to the scene, but arrived too late to see his son alive.

Mr. Blakemore is one of the most prominent citizens of New Orleans city. He is the general manager of the Crescent City Stock-Yard Slaughterhouse Company. His wife was Miss Alice Pritchard Moore, a well known young society woman. They have an extensive circle of acquaintances all of whom were shocked when they heard of the heart-breaking accident.

Source: Sea Coast Echo 07-27-1901

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