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May Term A.D.192J.
in the rear of said City, and It is further ordered that assessments for 1923 and all
subsequent ssmxksikxIji years bo made ae per said map.
It is further orered that warrant for $550.00 issue out of the General County
Fund to E.S.Drake, for the County's half of said map.
Be it ordered by the Board that copies or blue prints be made, to-wit:-
The Maps known as the Amended Henderson Mapsof	City	of	Bay	St.Louie, and a map
of ths County of Hancock,	^	.
Bo it further ordered by the Board that the Clerk of this Board shall advertise as provided for by law for map racks for the County Maps as per plans and specifications
'^Ordered by the Boarcf"that the Board adjourn until Wednesday Morning Hay 9th.
Wednesday Morning May 9th. 1923. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present as on yesterday.
Ee it ordered by the Board that the State Highway Commission be advised that this Board desires a new survey to be made of the Spanish Trail so ao to run eaid road to go through, Waveland, Clermont Harbor and LakeShore.
On motion of Calvin Shaw duly seconded, the following order was passed:
Whereas the H.Weston Lumber Co. is the owner of all of the Merohantible timber on the SW? of Sec. 16. T.fc. S.R.16 W. in Hancock County.- Mississippi, which said timber *as aol-? by the Board of Supervisors of Hancock County, prusuant to an order at the June Term 19H to the Poitevant & Favre Lbr. Co., in which sale the said grantee was given fifteen (15) years from said date to eut and remove the said timber and,
Whereas the said H.Weston Lumber 00., has until the	d&Y	of	jfune 192? in
which to out and remove said timber under said sale, and
Whereas ander the law the granteee had the right only to cut such timber as was merchantible at the time of said sale in 19H> and
Whereas the said H.Weston Lbr. Co.desires to purchase all of the timber situated on said land which ie merohantible as of this date, and to have the right to cut and remove all of the timber thereon on or before the 5th. day of June 1926, and
Whereas the said H.Weston Lumber Co., has offerred to pay to the said Board of Supervisors of Hancock County, Mississippi, the sum of $100.00 in consideration of the sale of such timber as has become merchantable since the date of the execution of the deed In 1911, and in consideration of th3 further right to cut and remove all of the timber on said land on or before the 5^h. day of June 1926, and that in the opinion of the Board the sum so offered is a fair and reasonable price to be paid therefor since it was in contemplation of the parties at the time.of the execution of s the deed that this right was conveyed to said granteee,
Therefore be it ordered that Jos.fc.Favre, member of the Board of Supervisors be and he is hereby authorized and empowered and directed to execute for the eaid Board of Supervisors, a deed to the H.Weston Lumber Co., to all ot tne merohantible pine timbe'r on said land with the right to cut and remove same at any time before the 5th. day of June, 1926, in consideration of the payment of the $100.00 aforesaid.

American Legion Pier 139
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