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j 'After being reduced to writing, tne foregoing resolution was read and considered^ section by section and tfcea as '* wiiole, whereupon Councilman ? Thriffiley moved for its adaption, and after a second by Councilman Farve, the following roll call vote was had:
Voting Yea: Councilmen Farve, Seymour, Seuzeneau, Taylor and Thriffiley.
Voting nay: None.
Whereupon President Seymour declared the foregoing resolution carried, this the 21st day of July, 1981.
EDWARD A. FAVRE CITY CLERK CITY OF BAY ST. LOUIS MISSISSIPPI Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi on July 22, 1981.
Approved and signed by me on July
2,	1981.
CITY OF BAY ST. IXHJIS, MISSISSIPPI 7-23 : 7-30 ; 8-6-81
3gion pier improvement
Some 200 persons jammed the Hancock County Courtroom Wednesday, night at a public hearing by the Bureau of Marine Resources on a permit application from the American Legion to improve the Washington Street pier. ' ?
Joseph I. Gill Jr., who conducted the hearing, said at the end, ?This was the largest crowd I have ever seen in nine years for a public hearing. It was also the most responsive and I have to say we like to see participation like this at hearings.?
? A total of 50 people were recognized and allowed to speak during the three hour hearing.
The front and back stair landings to the courtroom were jammed with people backed down both stairways with the doors of the courtroom open.
About 10 people voiced opposition to the permit requested by the American Legion to restore a wooden pier with 10-foot extensions on both ends and the construction of a jetty to protect the boat launch.
In tjie neighborhood of 40 persons spoke in favor of the Legion and urged approval of the permit.
Those expressing opinions were from school age to retired persons, newcomers to lifelong residents.
Joseph Benvenutti, attorney, represented Clement R. Bontemps American Legion Post No. 139. Henry Laird, attorney, represented the opponents.
Both attorneys made opening comments followed by opponents and proponents of issuance of the permit.
Ms. Gertrude Stanton, an opponent of
the pier stated, ?Hurricanes Camille and Betsy both picked up chunks of concrete and it knocked out foundations of houses. Why wasn?t the pier rebuilt after Bob and Frederick.?	?-.{
Louis Fernandez, said he was , representing the Board of Health, Historical Society and the Gun and Rod Club, spoke in favor of the proposal. I He said, ?I am in favor of this ex- ' tension. Historically there was an ! oyster factory where big schooners i came in and other comm?ercial fishing 11 boats in years gone by. I think the pier ] should remain.?
Waldo Otis commented, ?Yes, there was an oyster factory out there. There is a difference between a pier and an earthen structure. The Structure changes the ebb and flow of the tide. I. sink up to my knees in the mud. Wfr * asked for a cut and they haven?t 'done t anything yet.?	I
Eugene Richardson, surveyor, | displayed a survey which showed the , structure as being within the property lines of the Legion.	>
Some of the opponents had mentioned that the pier was encroaching on their ' riparian rights.
Luke Scianna who lived at 103 Washington Street for 23 years talked about how he had used the old pier to launch his boat.
Scianna said the jetty would help protect the boat launch and that it was needed. Two of Scianna?s children also spoke of how they enjoyed fishing and | crabbing from the launch.
Fred Wagner an opponent to the issuance of the permit said, ?It disturbs me to see the difference of opinions of > the two groups. I respect the American gion. There is a definite need for -*?-?.
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American Legion Pier 034
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