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June 18, 1977
?	* Hr* Gregg Free 313torian
Department of Archives and History Post office Boot 571
Jack son, Kississippi 39205
Dear Jfr. Pres*
Sonfirssing telephone conversation of June 17* w ar? ferward? iry? to yen copy of lot ter da tod June 1977 addressed to Mr*
Willias C* Alisa, Architectural Historian, Division of Historic Sites an2 Archaeology, Jackson, Mississippi} a newspaper article *s?lth a asp of the Historic District of Bay St. Lo?;io and description of hi3torio sites prepared by Fred Wagner, architect, snd a partial list, of buildings which are fifty years and older in this Historic District.
It was ?brought to our attention by Krs* E. Sullivan, who lives at 416 South Beach, that this ysar the City dispensed with the collection of the tavern on her boaehfront property, Lot ,#13? ? aad woold like to bring to your attention that no beachfront lots between Lot #169 solng aouth on the beach toward vteveland 4skis to and including Lot	at	Bay	Caks	Drive	and South Beach at this
tisse have been built on or developed* As of this date th? owners of the property facing the beach lave paid taxes and been under the Hi pari an Right a law*
The Chamber of Conaeree conference roon will be avails'.bio at any tine during the -sreek of the 27th yon wish to raeet with as and the Ccissltte? for evaluation of historic sites and districts.
Very truly yours,
?Capt. Max Berns	?	?e?U?*t
Coas&ttee for Evaluation of Historic Sites and Districts
, Chairsaan

American Legion Pier 074
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