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prohibited the erection of any structure on the beach front of the City of Bay SL Louis, and as there would be no ordinance pertaining to the erection of structures on the beach front of the City of Bay St. Louis for one month after the passage of a valid ordinance covering same without this statement of reason why it is necessary that same become effective immediately, and, whereas it is the express intent of the City of Bay SL Louis that said erection of said structures be prohibited, it is imperative that an ordinance prohibiting same be effective immediately, the public welfare demanding iL
SECTION 6: This ordinance being for the purpose of the preservation and protection of the public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Bay Sl Louis, the same shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, nevertheless to be published as required by law.
After being reduced to writing, the foregoing ordinance was read and considered, section by section, and then as a whole, on the ^h day of^u^si, 1981, put to a vote, and final passage was as follows:.

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