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21 August
Mr. Jack Different; Executive Director Oulf Regional Planning Commission Post Office. Box 1,31*6 Chilfport, Mississippi 39501.
fit .? -
Dear Jack:
Thank yoivirery auoh for your letter o?	-August, 197li,
concerning, suggestions for an informal mecrtiog for the purpose of noting Ahead with the proposed marina ^l^'^r^^ati^Qal facility for Bay St. Louts..,,
?v	*s	. /.?'	,	?,	'	>	...	?
I think your ^ggfteJbion is good, Jack, l^twJb*t<?ft *'ake the matter up with CqtaadMiAMrs Kidd and Ladner and,;ji*UJLn let you know their thop$^,	matter. Cf courBeyouknow that Vic Franckiewica
has returned;to MET and will not be back until the Christinas holidays. However, in hia place we might ask either lfc?d Wagter or Bill Arras to be with ua-*^.7^'^,;
Incidentally, let. as say that I was real sorryto learn of the decision of the Board, of Suqperrisors. Norton Haas and X wade an appeal to several of the members just prior to the meeting but it was to no avail.
I'll get,back in touch with you within the ttext few days. Very sincerely, s
; -
Warren Carv#r?. Hajror-

American Legion Pier 079
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