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Grant awarded for archaeological study ||
A grant for an archaeological site survey of the Bay St. Louis area has been awarded to Dr. Barry Lewis, professor of anthropology at the University of Illinois.
Lewis told the Gulf Coast Chapter of the Mississippi Archaeological Association the grant is seed support for the first stages of the site survey.
The overall goal of the project is to describe and interpret the changing patterns of past human adaptations to an estuarine environment on the northern Gulf Coast.
Lewis said it is hoped the results of the inital stage of the program will provide data needed	'' "
for construction of a cultural chronology for this	?
region and a strong base for proposals to ex-	?)
ternal funding agencies for support of subse-	c
quent research stages.	e,
Long-range planning, if funding can be ob-	^
tained, will include an extensive survey of the	I
entire Mississippi Gulf Coast.	1
To aid in the preliminary study, a question-	i
naire is being mailed to a random sampling of
1,000	residential listings in the Bay St. Louis	v
area, requesting any information they may have	4
regarding artifacts and archaeological sites.	?
The second phase of the plan will be to follow	*.
up with visits to those respondents who answered	c
the questionnaire affirmatively. Lewis and a	\
research assistant are expected to be on the Coast in August 1981.
Lewis said very little research of an archaeological nature has been done on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, compared to other coasts of adjacent states, and nothing can be said	<
authoritatively about the cultural adaptations of . , . J the prehistoric and early historic groups.	*
He said the Mississippi Coast was the site of	i
the earliest European settlement along the	J
northern Gulf. The area also played an impor-	<?
tant role in colonization of the Lower Mississippi	a
Alluvial Valley. It is believed this was a transi-	^
tion area between cultural traditions of the early	[jj
Indians.	..y:;	e-?

Archeology 013
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