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i.\w» m* Tin:
TaLt* oath.
f\nr.u . 4«>n• f»t o!tir»r>
ClUttwlitoQ 1)1 kallut Uil
Maj appoint ConiauuiOQ-
and ^h :u v ojtio r», J►••f*»r»* «iit<-r*ntr u)*on (In- di*-rtmrp* <d their t|u>n^ -ImH l.d.* an «>xitIt J*<•!#>r»* -< *me nil it *V < • 111J h >• nt to administer o;ith> Wilder th< law- thi- Staff, !*• *tlit’iiJIv to j* rform their «t -neb ehetion .	t** law.
Hk« . K». Jit tff	<'-•/*-/, That immediat*—
is jili. r tie	j* - !•>«« d ih* e*»mmis>ionersshuil
l»;. <** !»«I to * ‘>mit t!»«• vole*. ***•* rtaiu and «W-
•	!an- the r^ultami nak«' wmHmi rejN.rr thereof to the board of i)ta\.»r :md aldermen, anil *erti-fj* d l»v them to In- true and < «*ri* et ; tin* iptalified
liii\iitLf the hitrh* -* nnml* r of vote* <a>t for aldermen the i. *<pertive ward* ‘•hall be d*-t lured • h led a- ald.-rman fr**m • a* K ward. and all «-tliv# r- el«« i--hail r<	re<ri\*' a err-
tifieate of their eleetion. -ii»ned by the <*ommw-kIouco »*f	eleetion <>r a majority of tin m ;
the mayor r>hal! I«• eommi-Mumd bv the <ioy-» nior. on presentation of mi* h <vrtifu ate to th»* >'T»»;»rv of State. a- mayor and jndp' of the mayor*- emut of the eity of Hay St. I*mi* : in I'a* anv two *»r mor* candidate for tiny otte -hall rm iiv an <<pmJ mind* r ofthe eleetion !“ I in i 1 Ih de« id. <1 by lot, liiirly and piih-lii'lv drawn b\ the '-«*mmi*-ion.i* of rliviinn
ith the ai<l of t\>«* *»r iihin1 n 'j* etahlr liivlmh!.
♦	r> of th»- eity,alula »■« rt ifaatr of i-h-ri i,m-hnll
piv*-n arei»nJin^l\ bv sun) <’ojMioi>-«i-*n« r^.
Mi . 11. lit if jHrfhis	I hat aft* i ia» fi
i iwtion the lmUot-box. lork ait<l »*\ shall he «le-liven*tl hs <ii«l e**innii''*i<*inT- t«> t)»» .**»•• n tarv of tlie eity lor jiivm pvation, ami In- -hall	k«	r	j*
the same, ami win n r* *|iiin <1 l^r th*-	of
hohlm^ an eleetiim h»- hall ih liv* r tin* ^alu. to Wii»l i^Htimi.vioinT*.
Sw12. /« #7 fnrtfur	I’liat	lfKii<I
rommi^iuuer', or rith<T of them, shoiihi fail or refii!*' t<* u<*t, the mayor tuay, a; any tiim U'fore the tbv of<‘leetion, make another appointment, ami if the mayor hIiouM fail or refu-e to a}>|iniut, then the aldermen or a majority theri'nf may at any time Uif<>re the jh>1U art* openetl ai»|«>int other rommi^ioncp^.
8k<\ 1U. 1U it furt/isr rmtrtot/, That no <*om-luih^toner, clerk of an eleetion or pen<*e otfioer
►TATK Ojr Ml^lmll*f»f.
•“hall Ih* a eumli«hite for :mv ortire enntled l>\ this A< t, at any eh^'tion at \\luet» lie nmv uet a.*- mu h, and all vote>* ca>t at any eleetion f *r anv Mi« h jMTsou shall U illegal and shall not l» eo>nited.
Sk«\ I J. Jit if jnrthfr en*ictttf% 1 liat anv |* r-miii tle.-iriu^ t«*	tl»e eleetion »»f anv jM*r-
ron returned n#* elected t«> «nv oJlie«« in - ,d « it’. under thi“ *!• * jo in the mod*' w a\ pr -vided hv law for tlie trial "f rontri>t^ . f. ;•! -i of the a«f.
Si < . Ifl< it fur1 ft- ■	Th: ' .d: pi. ;
»«vf i, t >iUtu ini»»\ieai>!^ lapmr- l*v th*' 'Inn! in w.;i|	. -I,-II In* >• —• d, «nd in info i. :e in^
pi«»r- j**'rniitr*-d t*> hr -i«id. I*ai'ter. •! .»r jri\«n '.w.w «*r drunk at am *rt>, -.doon, tav* rn, r<	or	p!a*v A' l>n-un^>- lher* in. fr*-m
twej\'e 4',',|oi^ .if the preerdlllii Until tu<!\r <» el«M k of the -u«e<H‘dmj' mphi, »»J’a«i\- general or -jM riul eJfH-tion.
Sh, |*i. fit ii ftnihr/' •	-d.'i i..t: th*- tnav* r,
.i!*!• ....and other oHieer- a- hj’n'ni j>i««vid<d
for >hall i»' * ■•••t'd at the - »mi*tim“h\ thi <jiial-itied Voti r- <f sod vitv.aad -Ueil i |r< I mm diall \n »o eondtiiied that taeh ward “hall hitv»* a r» j>-r« -: nfat\\ e in -s,nd iMjard ^»f mayor and ald«-rm« n, and not more tliau <»!»»•; any |»*-r^on who i* a «|iialifi* d voter of -:«id eity -hall h» ehuihle to any tdliee of protit or trn-t therein, * \« » pt that no |H‘r«“»ti «ii:dl !>e eligible to Ih* « h-oted t*» the utliee of uld< nnan who ha*4 not been a fnmn $tlr r4*si-di*lit of t }»•• ward to represent W hi* h hr- i-> elrrtt d tor at le.^t one month ne\t pr»*eMlin^ his ele<*~ tion ; they «hail «iirh, beti*re they enN r U|H»n tlie iliM-lvar^e of their ri'-jnetive duties, take tij, oath of offiee ribeil bv the ('on-tihition of the State ; th<* term of (>thee id’ a\u h mayor, ahlernn n, u^essor ami e<dleetor of taxe-, tnstMirer, marshal and Si-en*tary >lmll roinnii'iu'i- on tlie firnt Saturday next following their electinn; the present eity «tK<*crH s^hall etmtinne itiofluv until the tii>t Sjitunlav after the tir>t Monday in April, IsSt), and until their su<iv^<or»i are eleeted uud tpmli-tie«l.
Not to he a enmliiJutt*
• »u
ih i Ifv*
«iii fla) S I.|
Hroo •'
V im.1i wnr<l I*) h»- r»
•< htutii'ii.
(JuuhiH’Ation of or^it-ra.

BSL 1880 To 1899 Laws-of-St-of-MS-1886-Chap-CCLXXIX-P425-459-(04)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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