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I. \ \\ - nK Til K
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i»tlcn**c and pum-lid board ot ma\or and ald-T-
May outer hou**«
Tax anil mm-xt« dotf* an-l im|M>und ho*«.
Su|**r» is* • tr«en.
Itrp&ir bridg*** n«lo-walks, ftc.
K**'|uin- |*»r-SoDi 10 work
m-w ami -eparate ; aii«i
turn -hall hav» full |K»wer and authority to prevent the	«• t ;my diantie- or other
building* ex<vpt -ummcr hou-es along tin* beach -h!»* of nil I Front street a* aton said, and shall hav* full |>owerand authority to provide I*y <*r<li-nunn- how anv nui-aiice shall U - reinoxcd or abated and bv what officers; sixth, to authorize and re-<jtur«-micIi officer* tr» enter any enclosure or u|sm anv premise* or into any house, railroad <*ar or other vehicic or steamboat or other watcrcraft for tlif purpose of aUiting or removing any nui--nm-e or to carry out auv order »f said Hoard ot mavor ami aldermen of tin1 hoard ot health ; -cventh, to provide tor *he destruction or confinement of all dogs in the eitv limit* a* may in the judgment of slid taiard of mayor and aldermen 1m- mvessarv at certain seasons of the year, ami to provide for taxing and muzzling the same, mid the said Isiard shall have full power and authority to preveut the running at large in the street.- of said eitv all hop* aud pwt*, to establish and regulate public j*>imds and to provide for the taking up. keeping, sale and redemption of such hogs and goats ami to fix the ti*cs to Ik* jtaid therefor, and to punish the owner of anv mjrh hog or hogs, goat or goat-for }n*rmitting the same to run at large <*ontrary to the ordimituvs of said eitv ; eighth, to o|h*u, alter, alsdish, widen, extend, prude, shell or otherwise improve, clean and keep in repair streets, alley-* and sidewalks or banquets, and to fix and c-tabli-h flu* pcrnia-nent grade* thcreof^nd to provide for the lighting of the same: ninth, to establish, construct, rejwir and k»-cp in order bridge-, culvert*, sewers and gutters and to exm-i-e. contnd and sii|H*rvise over all street*, alley-*, -idewalk*, bridges, culvert*. s*wersand gutter*. and to prevent and remove olwtrnetion- therefpiiu, and to punish the nl*Mruetinp or eneiinilM ring tlier»*of. and to prevent and punish an' ci»cro*ichment iijhui -uch -rp«t-, alle\*id--w alk-or Uimpu t- : tenth, to require all male inhabitant* of -aid •• 11y lM*tw«-cn th«a;jes of eighteen 11 H and titty	\ ears [ex-
ecpt] active meml*-!** of the tit* department ot -aid city and micIi other |M*r*on* as are exempt hv the laws of the State from street or road duty,) to w*ork on the public .-trects and allc\s of siid <*ity, not ex<-eetling five (.r>) day?* of each ymr, or to require the jiayment of a sum not ex<\.*edi»^ two (*2) dollar** in lieu thereof, ami to punish hy fine or imprisonment or l>oth, any failure or refusal to )M>rform such lalstr iijmoi notice so to do, and that the inhabitants of.said city slut 11 be exempt from all road and street duty cx<*ept that im}>oM-d by this Act ; eleventh, to adopt ami enforce any ami all onlinances ihhh -v»arv <»r ex|>cdient to carry out the jM>wers conferre*! by thi-* Act and anv and all other ordinance, rules and regulations which they mav deem necessary or ex^MHlient for the interest and good government ot said city, aud to insure the |M-a<v,g*MMl order and welfare thereof, and to carry out ami a^unplinh the objects of this incor|»oration not contrary to the (-(institution of the State or of the United States, and all such ordinances to amend or rej>eal a-* the gimk! onler and welfare of haid eitv and its itdiabitants may require ; twelfth, t(» provide that the violation‘of anv ordinance adopt<*d by them shall Ih- punishe<l by fine not ex<v<'diug fifty «hd-lars or bv impri-<*nment not exceeding thirty davs, or bv both such fine ami imprisonment, exo-pt in cas* s where the {leualties arc pnwrilH-d in this Act, whether the Act prohibited or the non-|s*rfbrraam*e of the duty required by sueh ordinaix*** is punishable as an otfeitM' against the laws of this Smtc or not, and no pro|»erty shall l>e exemjrt from sale for any fine and costs im-jsw»ed by th* mayor ; thirteenth, t<» prevent the introduction in the eitv of |muj>ers, tramps, vagrants. in'ggnrs, and commou prostitute and their associates, and to i-aus<-the expul-ion of the same then-fnim, and to prevent coming into the city or lurking alsmt the same, dangerous, auspicious and disorderly j»ers«>ns, to punish any jwr-on or <'oinuion carrier w ho may bring anv such das* of jtcrsons into aaid city and to compel t.iu*h |s tmhh or earner to<*arry them away ; fourt«-cnth, to prohibit and sup|>re!v< gaming and guming'hoti-is
L 2#
Knfi)rc« n<*c-wwirr ordinance's.
Fint- and im pnp<mtn«tit.
I*revcnt trani|Mi. f>aa pvr*. elc.

BSL 1880 To 1899 Laws-of-St-of-MS-1886-Chap-CCLXXIX-P425-459-(13)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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