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day of July and the first day of October following in each year, shall be by^the Marshal destroyed without notice.
V*	ARTICLE	II—Vicious Animals.
Sec. 83. That all stallions, jacks, and all dangerous and vicious bulls, cows, rams, mules aud horses found running at large within the limits of the city, shall by the Marshal be taken up and put in the pound of said city, which the Marshal is hereby authorized and empowered to establish, and shall by the said Mar-, shal be immediately advertised for sale fo^ cash at public auction, to the highest bidder, the same to be advertised by written notices, posted up at three public places in said city, one of which shall be at the City Hall in said city, five days before the day of sale, when, and at the pound of said city unless sooner redeemed, by . paying all costs and charges for taking up, keeping and advertising, and a fine of two dollars and fifty cents on each animal, the same shall be sold, and the excess, if any, of all costs, charges and fine, shall be paid over to the former owner; one-half of said fine shall be paid to the City Marshal, and the other half shall be paid into the city treasury when collected.
•	» ‘ ,
ARTICLE III.—Hogs and Goats.
Sec. 84. That all hogs and goats found running at large in the limits of the city, shall by the Marshal of the city, be taken ^lpand put in the pound of said city, which the Marshal is hereby authorized and empowered to establish, and shall by said Marshal be immediately advertised for sale for cash, at public auction to the highest bidder; the same to be advertised by written notices posted up at three public places in said city, one of which shall be at the door of the City Hall in said city, five days before the day of sale, 'when and at the pound of said city so established,-ynless sooner redeemed by paying all costs and charges of takiDg up, keeping and advertising, and a fine of two dollars on each hog or goat, the same shall be sold, one-half of said fine to be paid to the Marshal, and the other half to be paid into the city treasury, and the excess, if any, of all costs, charges and fine, shall be paid over to the former owner. Provided, That the owner of afiy hog or goat may within three days after being so taken up and impounded, redeem the same by paying to the Marshal the sum of one dollar for each hog or goat, and all costs and charges of taking up and keeping the same.
Sec. 85. That the Board of Health appointed by the Board of
CITY WARKANTS. '	*	•	. 55-
of Mayor and Aldermftn of the City of Bay St, Louis, shall jji^ptv and organize in the month of March, or soon thereafter as praojf ticable, by appointing out of their own number a President and"'
Secretary.	.	-	y
Sec. 86. That the Board of Health thus appointed and org^n»>;/. ized, shall have the power to take such measures as they may ; deem necessary and proper to stop the introduction and spread- ^ ing in said City of Bay St. Louis, the yellow fever, small pox or ''jiff"/' other infectious diseases; to stop, detain and examine any person v'-or persons coming from any place infected or reported to be in-	' *v ,i»
fected with such disease; to prevent from landing or coming.	».1
within the limits of the city, or cause t to be	removed, or send)	4	*
away therefrom any person or persons thus	infected, or whom
they have good reasons to suspect to'be infected, or cause such person or persons, to be kept in such place or in such manner as not to endanger the public health; and said Board of Health shall adopt such measures as 'they may deem necessary to prevent any •• communication with any person or persons, or house, as may be or may become infected with any of said diseases. ’	,
Sec. 87. That the Board of Health of the city shall have power to quarantine or cause to be detained, any vessels having on board , ■ any person sick or infected with yellpw fever, small pox or any	j	^
other pestilential or infectious diseases, or coming from any place so infected, at such place or places being at least two miles from 1 said city, for such length of time as they may deem necessary. *'
Sec. 88. That any person or persons, who having been warned by said Board of Health to abstain from coming or bringing into	,
said city, persons so infected, or to remove	from said city, or	'
, being subject to quarantine, or shall violate the orders or regula-'	' i <
tions given or prescribed by the Board of Health, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof before the Maybr’j court of the city, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisoned in the city jail for a term not exceed-	V
ing thirty days, or both, at the discretion of the Mayor, and stand	v .
committed to the city jail until said fine and all costs are paid. ,>.	;;	1	•
Sec. '89. That said Board of Health be invested with, and ex’ . ercise all powers conferred by the laws of the State of Mississippi ‘ upon boards of health of incorporated cities and towns.,.	*	-	i	•%?
*	•*	v.
. * f Sec. 90. No warrant issued by the Secretary of the City of Bay	' " ■	M
St. Louis, shall be paid by-lhe city Treasurer, or receivable for i	v .*
taxes, before it is endorsed by the Tax Collector of the city, “No	A
taxes due from the person to whom this warrant was issued,” or *
must be credited by written endorsement on the t^ack of such

BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(26)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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