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The People of Hancock County
There are no lighted marquees, no celebrity actors, no famous directors, only blood, sweat and tears of 30 years of continuous entertainment at the Bay St. Louis Little Theatre.
Local thespians began their presentations of top flight entertainment in 1946 in a building on loan (complete with tin roof which provided mood music on rainy nights!) to the charming “Playhouse on Boardman", built (circa 1948) of volunteer labor and good will with a rustic character all its own.
The walls of the present theatre are nostalgic reminders of plays of the past including "The Man Who Came To Dinner", "The Night of January 16", "Don't Drink The Water", "Teahouse of the August Moon", "Plaza Suite", "Mr. Roberts", "Come Blow Your Horn", "The Little Foxes", "Camelot", and "Music Man".
Audiences are not only local, but from along our coast line and Louisiana. The last several seasons have seen theatre audiences grow to the standing room only point.
Actors, directors and technical staffs are never paid a salary, the love of the theatre is their only reward. The reputations of local talent has progressed so much that neighboring theatres have asked for our talent to travel to their communities to perform.
The long list of theatre veterans replenishes itself as new directors and actors are trained to continue the theatre's tradition of excellence. The doors of the theatre are always open to newcomers.
Theatre enthusiasts have spent countless hours in construction, rehearsal and labors of love to present the very best in live entertainment for our area.
"The smell of greasepaint" and "the roar of the crowd" have become a way of life.
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bedroom, 3 bath home, Huge swimming pool,
ONE BLOCK from the beach, near Christ

BSL Little Theatre 一Document (17)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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