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Bay-Waveland Garden Club
Immediately preceding the May meeting of the Bay-Waveland Garden Club, a ceremony was held to dedicate the plaque which designates the building as now being in the National Register of Historic Places.
The dedication, given by Mrs. Ethel Evans, while the mayor of Bay St. Louis and members of the Garden Club stood by, detailed the history of the building from the time the property was a Land Grant in 1886 up to the one-room school house built in 1915.
Research on the project had been done by Mrs. Meg Hiliiker, chairman of Historic Preservation for the club. After it was abandoned as a school house, the ladies of the Bay-Waveland Garden took it over as their Garden Center.
Announcement was made of the winners of the May Gardens of the month -Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Strahan, 303 Ramoneda, Bay St. Louis, and Mr. and Mrs. William Rotherman, 330 Hillcrest, Waveland.
Awards won at the State Convention in Laurel in April were displayed. They were a blue ribbon, State No. 10, for the 1986 Pilgrimage; State No. 13 for Press Book; State No. 11 for Yearbook; State No. 24 and National No. 35 for the Flower Show held together with the Diamondhead Garden Club at the County Fair. The club-sponsored High School Gardeners won awards at both the state and national level.
Mrs. Frances Crawley was announced as being a new member, and for the first time in the history of the Garden Club, honorary membership was bestowed on a man, Jack Newkirk, for his many years of untiring work for the club.
The White Elephant Sale was postponed until Friday, May 23 at the Garden Center. Sharon Kleinpeter, chairman of the event, can be contacted at 467-8351.
Mrs. Alyce Newkirk, club historian, gave the history of the club’s accomplishments during the past year.
Mrs. Ethel Evans then installed the 1987-88 officers with a candlelighting ceremony.
Out-going president, Lisa Cowand, was given a lighted candle, and in turn lit candles for the new treasurer, Evelyn Caveroc; corresponding secretary, Polly Ramsey; recording secretary, Moira Ambrose; third vice president, Rosemary Lagaist; second vice president, Donna Van Wyckhouse; first vice president, Nanette Murphree and president, Aggie Tompkins.
Mrs. Jean Gleim, hostess for the refreshment hour, introduced her cohostesses, Bernice Augrain, Muriel Brokmeier, Rosemary Laigast, Jerry Rutherford, Mary Leigh Weston, Nola Brennan, Joan Gauthier, Ruth Logan, Dot Hamman and Donna Van Wyckhouse.

Bay Waveland Garden Club Bay Waveland Garden Club (114)
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