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October 1996
Headline from The Times Picayune, Monday, August 26, 1929 • Outboard Regatta at Bay St Louis (Below) PICAYUNE HI, Official Boat of the outboard motor regatta held in Bay St. Louis Sunday. Those seen in the picture,(left to right), are L.K. Nicholson,owner & skipper, Dick Cue,timer of the races;C.A.Breath,starter,W.J. Gex, Jr. .recorder. Photo courtesy of Breath Family.
-Excerpt from newspaper article May 1928~byR. Lee Edwards -Times Picayune
MOTOR BOATS TO CONTEST SUNDRX/Ba.y-Wa.-v^lajid Club To Condnet Races year Key Brldqre
With favorable weather and waler conditions in prospect the race committee ofthe Bay-Waveland Yacht Club promises lovers of speed motor boat thrilts, a generous feast of such this Sunday, May 27, in the big regatta, for speed boats driven with outboard engines, which is to be started on beautiful Bay St. Louis at 2 o'clock pjn.
This is the regatta which was dated for last Sunday, May 20, but had to be postponed a week because of unprecedent edly rough water and generally boisterous, inclement weather for this seasonof the ycar.sTherehad gathered at theBayfor theevent last Sunday,upwards of forty outboard engine^driven racers description, hailing from Pascagoula to New Orleans,
The elliptical course, over which the craft in the four races carded will speed, is staked* off paralleling the new automobile and pedestrian bridge crossing Bay St IWis, and close enough to fee structure to afford a close-up view by the crowds of spectators who will gather on tlte sidewalks of the structure where they will be safe from passing automobiles. Each of the four races will be at four laps of the course. The New Orleans contingent of Southern Yacht Club members, and others, will leave on the early train 53 unday morning, quite a number of them to drive over in their Automobiles,
The Bay*Waveland Yadit Club, that which there is no more generously hospitable on the Gulf Coast, will keep open house all day, having made elaborate arrangements to entertain the visitors, The regatta was arranged, and will be conducted, by those veteran yachting enthusiasts, Capt Charles A.(Uode CJiarlie)
Breath, CapL Justin Green, chairman of the BWYC race committee and Capt Emilio Cue, a fact which, in itself, insures an unqualified success. End._<
©© Speed Boat races tookplace in the Bay for many years» The meet was known as the All-Weston Outboard Motor Boat Regatta so named because of the four handsome and expensive trophies donated by the Weston Hotel and owners, all of BSL, who chose “Uncle Charlie” Breath and W.L. Cue to sponsor the event In an article dated Aug. 7,1929, CABreath, Sr. calculated the number of cars and people who viewed the races that past weekend and there were almost 1000 cars and approximately 4,840 people who came by car and countless residents who lived close by and walked to the races.

Bay Waveland Yacht Club Jib-Sheet-Oct-1996---Centennial-Issue-(08)
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