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October 1996
New Yacht Club A/*s^9 And Building Planned For Bay St. Louis
Many times during the past several years, attempts have been made to reestablish the cmee-popular Bay-Waveland Yacht \ Club in Bay St. Louis, but plans never seemed to materialize, until last Wednesday, February 16tn, when a group of interested citizens, headd by John Bell,, met and discussed the possibility of organizing a new yacht club association. At this meeting it was proposed to raise approximately $35,-000.00 to finance this new yachting venture, and already, in less than a week, more than $18,000.00 has been pledged, with prospects bright for raising the balance.
A temporary committee, headed by Mr. Bell, has been named to formulate all necessary plans. Serving on this temporary committee, besides Mr.-Bell, are Messrs Leo'W. Seal, Lucien Gex, N: L. Carter, Chas. A. Breath, Jr., John J. McDonald, E. N. Spence, E. M. Brig-nac, and Jos. Kelleher. These men will work together until the necessary funds have been pledged, ami then regular officers will be elected by the bond holders. When this has been done, plans and specifications for the new proposed • yacht club building will be secured and construction begun as soon as humanly possible.
If you want to be a charter member' of thl* new civic organization don’t wait to be called upon but Just telephone any one of the above-named committee members and a representative will call to see you.
This new civic movement is a great thing for Bay St. Louis and Hancock County and the benefits that will accrue from such an organization will more thn compensate for whatever financial or physical aid you might give In its behaU.
The first General Meeting of the Bay-Waveland Yacht Club will be held Saturday night, March 18 at 8:Oo o’clock p. -m., at the Bay High School Auditorium.
Every person, who has made or who makes a pledge for bonds before this meeting, is requested and urged to attend.
Several matters of importance must be settled before bids are accepted for dredging the harbor and building the Club House.
Officers will be elected at this meeting. Up to Tuesday over 140,-
000 had been subscribed.
' r*KZ-.
(above) Photo of the yacht club building nearing completion. Photo courtesy of Iva Mae McDonald, (below) Christening with the traditional tree raising ceremony
(above) Newspaper clipping from Sea Coast Echo-Feb/Mar ‘49
THE VERY BEGINNING : Many preliminary meetings were held at the home of John Bell, who spearheaded the push for the reorganization : of Bay-Waveland Yacht Club. * Larry Larroux, charter member;: remembers one meeting when finally John Bell said, “Now I’m going to put my name of a piece of paper with a pledge of $500.00 next to il and I am going to pass the paper around for you to do the same.” larroux recalls, “ John Bell then handed the paper to Leo and Rebecca Seal who contemplated for a second and then matched the pledge.”
“My buddies and I, Jr. Breath and Bobby Camors, were a few of the younger people in the room. We were sitting together and when we saw the pledge paper coming our way, we thought we better get out while we could, but the excitement in the room was growing witlieach and every * signature and by the time the paper reached us we could hardly: wait to put our pledge down in black and white,” said Larroux with a big smile.
Raise Tree In Yacht Club Christening
Al a well attended and enthusiastic meeting of the organizers of the proposed Y adit Club held on Saturday night at Bay High School Gym a governing board was elected by vote of those present The board members were John Bell,
C. A-Breath, Jr., Robert Camors, N.L. Carter, Lucien Gex, .
J,J. McDonald, L>K, Nicholson, E,N. Spence, Dr, M-J,
Wolfe, E.M. Brignac, II. W. LeTissier and J.J. Kelleher. Officers elected were John Bell, commodore; Robert : : Carnots, vice-commodore; C.A. Breath, Jr., rear-cotnmodore; JJ. Kelleher, secretary, and John McDonald, treasurer.
The temporary name was Yacht Club, Inc. until such a time as the old Bay-Waveland Yacht Club could be dissolved, which should be in June. It was the voice of the group that the club be called Bay-Waveland Yacht Club as soon as K Was legal to do so.
The clubhouse was erected on the old Dorgan Packing Company site which had been bargained for from George Borgstede who bought it from the Dorgan Company aller the 1947 hurricane when the buildings were destroyed,..
Grand Opening Of Bay - Waveland Yacht Club Slated For November 1
V«k an Dm Bi^WivtUnd Tieht
duk win to cmiphti • about Ort. 1ft, >iwr(lln| to Jrl.a ^eU, Sr. «co-troctor. Th* frand opanbif *t th« dub h KiMdvM for Nov. I, be Mid. • Pictured above ia the architect* diawlng a< what the mw SMJMO
•tmetur* will took Mka. At i r+-c*at mcetinc of th* Yacht dub mom-b«n K vu rtmM feat aufflctanf fundc hav* bM nOrM to complete construction of .the btdldlnc and to furoiah and autfit th* chib, but fund* will to aa*d«d U compteta the barber.
“Th* club would hart aaoufh sooty for «v«<7thl&c," Mr. Ball aaid, “If ptrwona who have not yet paid thair pMfaa «rau)4 aend b tbdr checks at xk«* wThk,a* ha added, "th* club bopaa *they will do."
Alao at tha recant mirtinf th«t name of th* dub wu offldally
cheated to - **Iba Bay-Waveland
Yacht Chib.1 ' Th* wwdto# oa 1b* by
printed asd win W nailed mat aa aoon aa tbay'ara finished. Hr. B«Q dedared.

Bay Waveland Yacht Club Jib-Sheet-Oct-1996---Centennial-Issue-(11)
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