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3T 00337
As if to cap the climax of the dry humor vhich seemed to pervade the entire entertainment, Blanche, aged four, favored the gathering vith "Captain Jinks," vhile little Viola, Just' three, vound up vith "Shoo Fly" and fi "Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley.
Say thatt music does no t dvell in the soul of one family in Biloxi, if any tody can.
£x2± Base Ball Clubs Escort
During the Ball a delegation from the R. E. Lee and Palmetto Base Ball Clubs called in a body on the Company, and vere received vith a brief address from Mr. Wynne Rogers. The Biloxians reaained vith them the remainder of the day, escorting them on their serenading tour and aftervards to the boat.
"Hole In the Wall"
We had one opportunity of dropping at Bill Smith’s "Hole in the Wall," and found the amiable countenance of the urbane William beaming vith placid satisfaction. The Hole exhibited an extensive squad of bachelor visitors, and its supply of fish, ve are assured, is unbounded.
The Departure
Mayor Henley, vhile on the vharf, made a parting speech in vhich he stated that*, although relieved of his office that very day, he vould be happy at any time to greet any of the Nev Orleans Fire Department.
As the hour of departure approached, the cottages and hotels along the shore seemed fairly to have emptied themselves of their inmates. The T head for a time vas a perfect surf of waving handkerchiefs, and as for those on other vharves and along the shore, to count their numbers seemed almost impossible.
While the Creole lay panting at the vharf the cheers from the multitudes, both afloat and ashore, vere positively deafening. The boys had assembled on the hurricane deck, and from there and along the entire coast vas one continuous vave of hats and handkerchiefs.
Passing Mr. Blessey1s vharf, vhere had assembled perhaps fifty ladies, they fairly broke down. The steamer whistled, the band played, all cheered, tut not satisfied at the exhibition, in their enthusiasm between 30 and 1+0 hats were sent whirling into the bay.
(M. James Stevens)

Biloxi Document-(115)
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