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/IE 00311
It is said that an old man came all the vay from Iouisiana, walking most of tha way, for the sole purpose of di'Fing in this one spot, The caretaker said h* dup all nirht ty himself vith the light of a lantern.
The old home is situated at the confluence of Eayou Porto and the Bay of Biloxi. It makes a pretty viev from tho Bay, surrounded as it is vith oak?, nines and near trees. It rests Dn n slight eminence, vith an Indian shell mound gradually sloping off into a sandy teach, and before touched by the hand of m^n, it vas ■probably Just the kind of place anyone vould choose to bury his secrets.
Standing under the tovering centuries old caks, rrnarled and moss draped, one was overcome vith the sense of ^yst^rv vhich uxExailnd pervaded the place, and vondered what the o<=ks vould say if they could speak their secrets.
Would they tell of a pirate band unloading chests of doubloons and gold and silver bars from a rocking boat under cover of darkness ? Would they picture the digging of a trench in some secluded spot ?
And maybe if the oaks could speak, they vould tell of murder done there.
'ut they vere silent, and the spot remained shrouded in mystery.
(>'. James Stivers)

Biloxi Document-(126)
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