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'•ell built attractive churches are in evidence. A~ong their, tha stranger vill not forget the Episcopal Church for the beautiful architecture and location on the beach, surrounded by live oaks.
The church and grounds are tha gift of vr. H, T. Howard of this city and were given as a nenorial to his friend and pastor, Hev. Robert 0. Hinsdale, S.T.D.. a former president of Hobart College,
N. Y. f vho. during his last years vas rector of this parish. He died in 1839.
Adjoining this later edifice is the old church whore President Jefferson D^vis an_3 family and other notables of the Confederacy assembled during Dr. Hinsdale's rectorship. The present church contains some beautiful windows to the merory of President Jefferson Davis and family placed there by ?’rs. Davis and the Daughters of the Confederacy.
Several vlndovs bear the notr^es of former clergymen nnd parishioners vho have gone to their reward. One particularly dear to the congregation is that of Krs. Annie Howard Parrot, vho sleeps in an English grave, r'rs. Howard, the mother of ?’rs. Parrot, vas for rany y^ars a generous supporter of this church and :has left the world a rich legacy of sacred memories of benevolent deeds. The beautiful vindov of Frs. V. F. Flrcer and family presents associated vith the founding of the church and vas the gift of a daughter, J-'rs. Nicholas Sicherich of Buenos Aires.
The Rev. C. B. Cravford. A. V., n Canadian, the present rector, gives a hearty welcome to northern guests. Throughout the city the priests of the Catholic Church and the clergy of th£ Protestant Churches are unfailing In their courtesy to strangers.
Biloxi has a fine array of public schools vith competent instructors. The High School prepares its students to enter the University of Mississippi.
(K. James Stevens)

Biloxi Document-(028)
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