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New Bay Span^^^ ^	^ Is Dedicated
The Harrison and Jackson county bridge over the bay of Biloxi wa* dedicated to the men and women of the counties who served in the world war, Tuesday.
Wreaths t03sed from planes fell about the mile and a half bridge as ceremonies marked the opening of ’the last link in 82 miles of bridges on the Old . Spanish Trail spanning the bay-epiked coast between Mobile and New Orleans. The latest bridge joins Biloxi with Ocean Springs and shortens the highway distance seven miles.
Dedication of the $900,000 structure was especially set for the Confederate veterans reunion in Biloxi.
Where to Put Bay St. Louis’ ^ .Bridge?
The people of Bay St. Louis are htfving a hard time to decide just where they want THEIR new bridge located. The new bridge is to replace the old wooden structure across the Bay of St- Louis which connects Hancock and Harrison counties. A number messages are being sent the members of the State Highway Department, from residents of Hancock County, pro and con. Some asking that the ne^ bridge be constructed in the location of the old bridge, due to business. Others asking that it be built 2000 feet above ithe old bridge.
From the way they are griping about it you would t hink they are putting up all the money.
So far we have heard no complaints from the people of Henderson Point. The proposed new bridge will' bypass most business places there-
The engineers of the Highway Department should
their own judgment and not be influenced by any one or group of people, regardless I of a few dollars. Regardless1 I of where it is located some-|body will squawk, j Do you remember the first story you ever learned about; the man and boy with the jdonkey? Everybody the man 'and boy met with the donkey ihad a new suggestion. Well ithat apiplies to every walk ox |life to the end. Try to please everybody- you please nobody.
| It seems safer from a traffic Standpoint for highways to bypass thoroughfares in towna and cities. Pleople going thru | seldom stop and spend any money in small places and if they want to stop they cer-Itainly do not mind driving a couple blocks to Bay St. Louis or other towns, but if they are going straight through they .can save time by missing the
congested streets-
The pubic is going to pay for it so put it in the most Io gical place.

Bridges Toll-Tickets-and-Articles-1953-Bridge
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