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portant part of the forest balance.
IT-11 GROUNDSEL	(Baccharis halimifolia) This bush of the wax myrtle
family is very common in coastal regions. It frequently borders entire marsh area.
TP-12 CHINESE TALLON is a very common growing tree. It is valued as an ornamental because of bright red fall coloration.
IT-13 ITT3 OAK (Quercus virginiana). This handsome tree has become a symbol pf the south. The low spreading branches with thick, evergreen leaves make it unmistakeable. It is named for its leaves which are present the year roundl This tree grows for centuries and may reach tremendous size. The wood from these trees was considered valuable in the days of sailing ships. The wood is very hard and durable and was used to make the hulls of sailing ships. A famous amcrican warship, Old Ironsides, was made from live oak. Her hull was so strong, cannon balls bounced off her sides. liany times on these Live Oak trees you will notice Spanish Moss hanrdnp- from the gnarled branches.
IT-14 FSRSIIDION (Siospyros virginiana) is an early arrival in the succession process of abandoned land. The tree's fruit is edible when ripe and the seeds were used as a coffee substitute. The wood is very hard and heavy. Uses include spindles, golf-club heads, boxes and crates.

Buccaneer Park Pirate's-Paradise-Nature-Trail-(2)
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