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l:tcc?a ai m/.y r.r. :/-uis
1351 - l85r - 1860 - i?70
"’’ork? Prorrers Adrinir tr^t ion" - lr36
Aururt 5« 1851 - Fishoo Green, asrir.t^d by R?v. Dr. Fava^e of P«ss Chrirtisn, heir* service in Shieldrtoro *=n*d confirmed tvo persons This is aecordirn to thr ‘T^a Coast ? ission."
Parish of rt, Tube's vas organized at r-hieldstoro April ?3» 1^53
Tn ">"60 ^ev. Thos. B. Ozanne, Pedtor, reported 1° families and 7^co’—rric^ntF.rr hxnsx rr. h*3nd, also, v^.s 'BOO to tuy ?.ot and r800 to build Church and P^ctcry.
A’v.iarently vith advent of thr Civil '.er this C3re to naurht.
In 1870 Pishor Gr = en preached ir. the Court Moure at Fhieldstoro srd. corsfirrr.«d nin" r-rscrs* vayor th~ tovn o^fsred site for a church.
Ch'HekeS s Epi$ tojfiTi 1 y
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Christ Episcopal Church Camille-And-Various-(8)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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