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Christ Episcopal Church services were held as far back as 1838 but it was not until 1851 before regular sercices began as St. Luke’s Church.
A church fronting the Bay was built in 1860 which the Civil War destroyed ,and, title to the land was lost. The remaining Communicants joined the (Episcopal) Grace Church in Waveland which was later destroyed by fire.
By 1890 the cornerstone for a new church was laid on North Beach adjacent to Boardman Avenue.
In 1901 Christ Church was admitted to the diocese as a mission; in 1904 the church was moved on rollers down Dunbar to the comer of North Beach and Carroll; 1938 a parish house was erected; 1947 Sunday School classrooms were added. In 1948 the church was granted parish status and the Episcopal Day School was started.
In 1951, 71/2 acres at 912 South Beach was purchased for a school-church;
1956 a new brick school building was completed and a brick residence for the rector.
August 17,1969 Christ Church was demolished by hurricane Camille and was replaced and dedicated in 1971 together with Virginia Hall. The church celebrated its centennial June 8,1990..

Christ Episcopal Church Rev-Charles-Johnson-(2)
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