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At Marco’s request, Guerin has asked of Poverty Point whether there is to be any sort of ceremony re World Heritage designation. If so, Marco would like to attend.
However, none is planned at this time. If one is to be, lady I talked with promised to email particulars.
Receptionist at Poverty Point indicated that since their designation was made, there has already been substantial increase in attendance and phone calls.
Marco would be encouraged to lead another dig, especially in a couple of places that he already has in mind. This in itself could achieve publicity and help to connect to Poverty Point.
Marco knows of one particular site that has been covered over to preserve site in situ. He would like to remove the rubble and see what is there.
Some heavy equipment would be needed as well as volunteers and/or funds.
If such new discoveries could be viewed in situ, this could greatly enhance interest by general pubic.
Marco offered that perhaps a shuttle bus could be arranged to take tours from BSL once area opened to public. In addition, school children might be escorted through.
Marco and Guerin recently bumped into Ron Magee of NASA. He has become interested in Poverty Point, and plans to tour the park as part of his vacation in near future.
Rep. Baria
From start, Rep. Baria was receptive to idea of making known connection of Claiborne to Poverty Point. He asked what I would suggest that he do, and I answered that he might ask for legislation to establish Claiborne as a park. To this, he suggested the concept of walking paths with signage in a park-like area.
Rep. Baria suggested that a high level group might be assembled to consider project.
Ashley Edwards - port mgr

Claiborne Historical Site Guerin-Giardino-(004)
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