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P. O. BOX 69	BAY	ST.	LOUIS,	MISSISSIPPI	39520	(601)	467-9231-32
Septerrber 10, 1982
Mr. Robert J. Bailey
Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Department of Archive3 and History
P. O. Box 571'	■'	■■■ . •	.•	^
Jackson, Mississippi 39205	’	r”"	•
Dear Mr. Bailey:	■	-
Reference is made to your letter of August 13, 1982, regarding the listing of the Claiborne archaeological site, Hancock County, MS, to the National Register of Historic Places.
The Hancock County Port and Harbor Camission, at its -regular meeting of September 9, 1982, after proper consideration of the matter have directed me to advise you of the Carmissicn's objection to the ncrrujiation at this time. Our objection is based on the conclusion that the Department of Archives and History have not adequately identified the area in question, nor was there sufficient time to make a proper decision by the September 15, 1982 deadline.
Although we have no alternative but to object at this time, we would invite the Department to provide more caiplete details as to specific site location for possible future consideration for ncrnination.
•A**. V	•_	.	A
Sworn and subscribed to before me this, the 10th day of September, 1982.';
| .V-f JiSJ.',;
ccmmission expires:

Claiborne Historical Site Guerin-Giardino-(056)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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