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-5ITL RLFC.lT Claiborne Site 22
3 o i
•LOC.vTICiJ: On the east shore of mulatto Bayou, southern section of Governor C. Claiborne Plantation, Hancbck County, i-.ississippi. Wow
occunjed by the Hancock County "ort rabilities-------under log
at international Paper Co. landing. Legal discription is:
DL PTlC.'i: kississip- i itate University and Louisiana o~ate university have made rerorts on this site. <is we ao net nave tne serial number as yet tills renort will have to be n.aie part of the recorded file. °1- ise forward sucn 22 series nuir.b«.- to us. The mound is the north rr.ound of the two which are separated by a spring l*=e orifinallyJ that' left a ravine] The lodge sices are located on tor oi tne north rr.ound and about 18 feet above sea level.
.J.'.TUrUL 30UMCE3: The too soil	had	been cleared by	at. least six inches
with heavy equipment prior to	our	excavation team	arriving.1	'inis wjS
lone by the county for construction purposes. The brownish-tan sandy soil was visible. Tnis was found at the botcorn of our prolife pit which was only 2' neap. The profile study was interrupted by a storm then by the discovery of the lodge sites. The entire soil structure in our excavation remained the same and no midden	Lt-vel w	r acne.':,
rorr. evi 1 ::ncc found, the site	had	loblolly pines,.	wmte an:	strr oaks,
:um:’, nixed 'in lerhrush of briars, weeds, vines, reccis ;nd thorny rough ■'-u'nK-s rf the 1 nkl>.-berry tyre.
L-." i .JC I: The Lodge sites were not dated but the ash rits in ^oige •'"1 a a : caking balls which have been consistently j'ten til i£ throu rh-ou t th‘r- irwa is typical Poverty i'oint (nrchaic). jjo pot sherds found near Mii3 site. .it the 4-6” level which was the usu ;.l r cle m ark foundation area, numerous clay cocking bal is, c irbci stain^a, were found southward hut net in or otherwise aroun:; trw; sites. ic the north and east of the lodge sites, the land tenas to slope .^oout L) le grees and the surf ace is i grev loamy soil with shell ;ebris of an old mound rerimeter.
before further excavations could -be conductjd by our team, tne port facilities leased the land to international raper Company who have occupied the site since. Also most of -the area has since been uis-turbed by artifact seekers. .'Jatura'l disturbance by trees, root systems and also animals is quiet evident which handicapped a complete system excavation of lodge sites.
.	v;	S'
In to’ne area we have nicked up small flint drills (1*. to 2" in length)
o	f yellow and white'flint. ‘ Ewo large points, a flint knife ana four smaller noints. Pontchartrain, dalton and coastal type points found. Gne srr all ferti lity (} fe’figy of clay ceramic aoout 3n tall found on south mound area along with the tvpical round-witn-groove, cylindrical :;i -louhle-ri ige-hands ani tri^le-ridge-banos, and the s-heric.:! r.on-T'-jve : or rl i :ea cl xj o^lls.
<»e have iiscentinu jq research on u hac siuc,
Dale Gretnwell kCH’cGS

Claiborne Historical Site Guerin-Giardino-(070)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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