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Zone 1 was a .-Ionsc bloc;: r.idden cor.ta.’ • • mar;1, animal bones or bone fragments' and the followin." Artifacts:
1	Kent projectile, broken .
Small flir.t flakes, some unaltered, sore showing 'ise.
16 Steatite vessel fragments, 4 of w’-'.’ch were rim sherds, one of he so wifi a single inc Ised line ir. side of and usrallel tc tne rim orifice,
another with 2 horizontal lines on the oi’ter rir. surface, v:hicr. is beveled toward the lip. Two other steatite sherds have drilled oerforations.
10 hematite plummets, including ?-e •.•for&tea and .grooved, sore v;ith rounded and others v» ith pointed bason.
1 2-hole gorget, of red-brown cner-t, 5 cm. in length; several fragments of slate and chert ^or^ots.
1	tubular bead of r-:d .«asoer, 9 mm. lor T, 7 :m. in diameter.
2	bone awls, one of snlit deerbone, tne otaer Ion ' ant: slender, possibly a bone -in.
No Poverty Point objects or • ottc-ry snerds were ir. 3o~e 1.
Zone II averared 2 feet in th‘ ckr.ess, was a Is:, a heavy clack mid don witn numerous animal nerves and many fragments of baked cl a;; calls, as well as whole objects. Artifacts were:
3	Gary projectiles of tan native chert.
1 stemmed drill *
1 Jaketov/n perforator; 1 larger lame 118r flake, 5 cm. long, 2 cm. -.vide at base, worked at edges to a long triangular share, and resembling Jaketcwn perforators in outline and edge flaking.
2	polished celts of hard stone, medium slr.e.
10 pottery sherds, all fiber tempered. 3 of these are plain, with
rather smooth surfaces. ^ of typo Tammany Pinched nrve tne surfaces roughened by n’umrous random tool punctatir'.s w.iich are irre rilsrly oval in outline and 2-3 mm. in diameter. ’.Vessel wail thickness, indicated by
the sherds is 10-15 mm.

Claiborne Historical Site Guerin-Giardino-(079)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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