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KT 0039
The contracts for the construction of testing bases in Mississippi call for £90 million in fiscal 1963, and the total allocated for the firstphaco is £200 millic\n. by mid-1965. The contract for the first stage Saturn is £200 million. There are to be ten units. The contract for the first stage Advanced Saturn is $300 million through 1966. There are to be 24 units. There are responsible statements that the first stage Nova will be built somewhere on the Gulf Coast. At one time there was a plan to build RIFT in New Orleans, but the plant is needed completely for other items. There are statements that other stages will be tested at the Mississippi facility. This facility, incidently, has been a bottleneck and very much desired so that it has priority in order to expiaite its completion.1
The other segments of the Advanced Saturn are to be built in California ar.d New York. Boeing Aircraft has a £300 million contract to build the first strgo of the Advanced Sc* turn in New Orleans, then North American has £200 million for the second stage in California. Douglas has the third stage in California. For the Apollo, the command and service schedules are with North American in California at £400 million and the landing craft is with Gruman in New York. Engines and ports for each c£ these vehicles will be purchased all ever the country.
The effects o£ these expenditures in the Southern part of cur country will be great. President Kennedy said in a speech at Rice Institute that in the next 5 y:ars there would be £60 million per year spent by National Science and Aeronautics Administration as wages to its employees in Houston and that contracts for £1 billion would be made from that office. In that city £90 milHon is to be spent on construction now, and in 5 years, £200 million.
In New Orleans, contractors are now using 3, 000 employees and in 1964 they will need 5, 400. The payroll is now £15 million ana by 1964 will be £69 milHon.
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Coast General Background-and-History-of-the-MS-Gulf-Coast-(17)
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