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T- 0030i © '
The Daily Herald
.y/o/v i
Section 2, Page B-l
No. ^o.
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Reid the fifit imd iccond time, and committed to i cosu&ittec of the '.::::;j:.jari ^un(iijiwit. ^i;
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To enable the petftle of the Misnissifjii Territory, to form a c&nuUu- , tit>n and ttate government, and for the admission of such‘Staltiiite ": * the Union, in <sn equal footing with the ttrigtnal Statet.	■■■■\Vi.
-; V •.".' .-r' V •;••'•;. ;:■ v^v.;.	0:f;\'.-:: :^-i‘:^V:5': \!['''"' '.'•*• . -	V.	v.&rVv"*-	..jiv;!,..	-
1	Zf.£ if enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of
2	the Unittd States of Amenta, iu Congress aszcmblcd, That
3	the inhabitants of the Mississippi lrrritary be, And they archrre-
*	by authorised to form for themselves, a constitution and stfttr
5	government, and to assume such name as they &hal! deem ]>ro-
fi	per, auU tli« said state when formed, shu!l i>e admitted into the
7 Union, upon the »arae footing with the original	i:t a!i reft	sp-fcn whatever,
1 Sec. ?, And be il further enaetrd, That the said state shailcon-S' iUt *il ihc territory ceded 10 the United States, ty the Mate of
Hisforical document . . .
©Page one of the bill read before	on Feb. 4, 1811. The bill now be-
the House of Representatives	longs to Mississippi. ____________________

Coast General Mississippi-Territory-Statehood-Bill-1811
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Hancock County Historical Society
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