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VIDALIA. Klsglaalopl - 1937
jane 22 - Confirmed a class in the Sacred Heart Church at Vidalia. fhls la one of the alas Ions of Father Deals. After the confirmation,
X vbb approached by a coomlttee of Baa who told ae that the msaber of
*	people end the nuaber of children in thla alsslon ought to Justify a v, resident prleat and a school aaongat then. I was very happy to aaa the spirit that they eanlfeated and .told thea that If there was any way possible for them to take cere of this I would readily cooperate with thea in their desire* However, I aa somewhat doubtful of the ability *- of the people there to take cere of sueh a big order aa they propose. Vidalia seeras to have a better spirit In this regard than sosie of the other missions li> that section of the diocese*
2’Cf. Diary of Bishop Gerow - peg® 336*
yiMkU • 1937
i*' •
The people of Vidalia have been speaking of having a parochial school.
- They were aroused to this by the success of the sussaer vacation school* Father Denis, though, does not aaa how in the world they can possibly support a school when they can scarcely support their little Mission church.
Cf. "Denis, Rev^ A. C. - 1936-1937*"
imUA - 1»38
Father Denla writes to Bishop a lengthy latter regarding Vidalia end the matter of giving the people better service.
•	*¥•
Cf. "Denis, Rev, A. C. - 1938*"
VIMU * 1939 ~
Nov. 12:	Vidalia	is transferred to the care of Father Waters at Lizana
from tha ear* of Father Danis at Kiln*
Cf* "Denis, Rev. A* C. Danis - 1939-1940-1941."
Father Denla sends the Bishop $3000*00 aa a perpetual trust fund, tha interest to .be used for Insurance on tha ml ssl ons at Vidalia, Kiln, Rocky Rill, White Cypress, and Fenton*
Cf* "Denis, Rev. A. C. - 1939-1940-1941."
IlMm. - 1941
Right-of-way la granted to Coast Electric Power Association to erect poles on the church property in VIdel la*
Cf* "Waters, Rev* Raymond - 1941*"

Dedeaux Document-(10)
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