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D -S_ 5'7
line of --.Id r> -ii: to o stake; thenoe >>ath 0 decrees 30 ^tmites west 1033.2 feet to & str-ke; thenco we:;t 1G07.0 feet, :.K>re or ls=r,, to « stairs on Lemuel ia.ller'8 east >.n6; thenoe north 970.0 ?^et to a stake whloh is Lemuel Killer’s northeast onrncr; thenoe North 27 decrees Of ‘ainutes east 764 fet-t *o the »laoe of .' inning, aon n* 33-i/8 aores, more or 1	**>d	beli-; part of Lots 4, 3801Ion 7, and t ie
Ambrose Cr Ines Claire, 3ection .*>, 7. 0, 3. R. le West, said 1-r.d lyin> end being .•jituate In ’’anoook County, ^4.sslsaix,;l."
I, .T, Roland ’Veston, iwotin/r Sooretary of TH3 I!. 'X33T0IT IJTM3EK 'USZP&i, do horeby certiCy that the forer.oiiv is * true and correct ooj-/ of a resolution ado; ted the f’“"rd of Directors thereof at a nsetih* V! on -^’ebrua*/ 1932, as the srie ar,on the Minutes of the proceed! nr s.
Given under ny hand find ,sal of : d Co®:'any tfci ?S day of Febw-rj.'. A. v.
J. Roland W*:,ton,
;,otlr.' Secretary
i	She	lnstruiaent of which the forsgoing is a record we* delivered to ."w to be
| roooi'ded on the 27^-day of February, 193", ot 10:3Q o'clocir i. H., md 1* herein
!	A
J recorded on the £sd day o t sjsrc:., ’932.
I	>,	G.	?avre,	Clarl:.

Gainesville Giardino Report Melissa-Jones
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Hancock County Historical Society
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