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466 C S
KA1ICOCK COUUTY......WhereaB on tho 19th day of June
A.D.1907,John A,Thigpen pnd S^rah Thigpen,his wife,executed and delivered to Henry Young * certain deed of conveyance,intended to oonvey the land hereinafter described,whioh said deed is of reoord among tho rogistry of deeds of the aforesaid County in Book B-5,et ppgoo 593 & 594:
And whereas in said deed a part of the land intended to be convoyed was inadvertently omitted: And whereas the said Henry Young and wife,on the of December,A.D.1910,sold and conveyed the land so sonuired by him to Alonso 3»ilellums,in which said deed to said Jfellumsthe same omissions wore rnde «s in the deed from said Thigpen and v/ife to Baid Honry Young:
How therefore,In consideration of the promises and the sum of One Dollar (■ ;I«00),we,John A.Thigpen and llrs.Sarah Thigpen,do hereby oonvey aid quit olnim unto Alonzo B.Heliums tho following desoribed land,to-wit:
Commencing at tho oornor of SeertionB , 7
0__,in Township 8 d
south ii»ngo 16 V/ running thenoe west on lind between Sections
7	and	18 a distance of	44 chains and 30 links to the Enat	side	of	the Gainesville	and Uioholson Public l<0"d;thenoe north,on said E»st	line	of	Bald Ko»d
10	ohains and 53 links	to a stake set at the south-west oorner	of	a lot or
traot	of land formerly	known aB tho IM-Hister Land.which	said	stake ia tha
plaoo of beginning of tho land herein oonvejed;thenoe running -aat 4 ohaino and 77 i/4 links to a stakejthenoe north 4 chains and i92/3 linits to a stake thenoe ^-ast to tho edge^ of a branoh;thonoe ^orth-easterly along the edge of Baid branch to the worth-east lino of the Ambrose Gianes Claim;thenoe along tho Baid lino of said claim,M. 47 degrees V/. to a point 24 ohains and 18 i/P links Morth of said seotionline between seotiona 7 and 18;thenoe ^ west to tho E»st line of said Gainesville and ^ioholaon Publio Hoad;^ thenoe south 13 ohains and 65 l/P, links to tho placo of;being « part of the Ambrose Gianes Claim,in township 8 S.,H&nge 16 west,in the County of Hancock pnd State of Kiasiseippi. Less and exoepting,however, out of tho above described land ,a lot I ohaln and 59 linkB square situated in tho S. V.. oorner of said above described traot,whioh was conveyed to the Trustees of Homevillo Lodge Ho.277,Knights of PjrthiuB.
V.itness our Bignatures this 11th day of IIov.A.D.fL9lJ’
Vi ltnosa
HAXCOCK COU'ITY......Personally appeared beforo rr.e the undersigned
nuthority in and for said County and State,the within named John A. Thig-oen
and Snr«h Thigpen,his v/ife,who Boverally acknowledged that thoy signed
Rnd delivered the foregoing inatrument on tho day and year therein mentioned.
Given under my hand and official seal,this 11th day of Hov.A.D.
1912	Wiley Smith
Pre8.U of S.
The instrument of whioh the foregoing is areoord was delivered to me,to be reoorded at 10 o'clook ,on the J-Ith day of June A.D. ,1913 and herein reoorded on the x6th day of the sasso month and year
A. A. Kergoslpn_______Clerk
~	^

Gainesville Giardino Report Thigpen-John-A
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