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jb« rr stjltx oy Mississippi	j	*-------------------
HAJCOCK OOOTTT	>	10th day of Junf?
between Honor* ?, Bob 11 nr* Jr. of the Ooxrnty and' If Vi gall, of the first part and. Ssmproniue Suss of the Red River, State of Louisiana of the seoond part, I that whereas the said party of the first part are to the said party of the aeoond part in the penal ^ne Thousand dollar a evidenced by two promissory no bearing even date herewithin letters and figures al $500.
e Months fro® date, I promise to pay Sstnpronias
order, five hundred dollars payable till ihe Southern r$fct City of Sew Orleans, Stats of Louisiana
r^tr oent interest per annum, for value ssoel'^i Louis, MIsb.
>iOth,\ 18'. l
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Jigned Honore' r
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I from date, I promise to pay Sempronius { •
Order, five hundred dollar a, at £he
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Of the City of Hew Orleans, Btate of Loulc^
,Interest psr annum for value reoeived

Gulfside Methodist Assembly Russ---Deblieux-deed-(7)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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