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Music, dancing, cards, billiards, the bovling alley, fishing, sailing, shooting, hunting, etc., can not furnish satisfactory recreation for all classes of persons.
They are, indeed, under proper regulations quite innocent, and should be regarded as necessary appendages to every rural hotel, villa, or summer residence. But in the matter of diversions, the mind should not be overlooked or forgotten. A man cannot gaze all day with satisfaction upon the sky, ocean, sandy beach, pine trees, and desolate shores, where no productions of art shed their humanizing radiance on the rude scenery of nature.
He should provide himself with a stock of books fitted to afford entertainment to a cultivated intellect agd refined taste. Every day he must read his newspaper and attend to his correspondents.
In addition to these engagements, a sojourner at Pass Chrisilan. Pascagoula or other places, will have leisure to turn his attention to some grayer^-works .of poetry, eloquence, or history, exhibiting to his viewHthose splendid char act ers'“a'nd sublime ideas, adapted to replenish his soul with the love and admiration of every tfciing truly great and divine, noble and illustrious.
Philosophical Conclusion
By a proper use, then, of the means which the country in the immediate neighborhood of New Orleans so liberally affords, its inhabitants of every description might have access during the entire summer, to the-indescribable advantages of a salubrious atmosphere, the finest sea bathing, rural ease, invigorating sports, undisturbed retirement, "the feast of reason, and the flow of soul" in the circle of those most loved, and complete seclusion from the peculiar and contaminating influences of a city life.
,MTis a consummation devoutly to be wished," that the time may soon come when the physical blessings conferred on us by a "bountiful Providence will be understood, appreciated and enjoyed.

Hancock County 1 Daily-Picayune-August-19-1849-Watering-Places-(068)
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