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the state in case of invasion or insurrection, without the formality of any draft Approved, February 2, 1855.
AN ACT, establishing' the places of holdiog Courts in the county of
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Mississippi, in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage oC this act, the PUe** or circuit court, the county and orphans’ courts, the probale courts, and the session of the board of road commissioners,
r	cuuHiy.
for the county of Hancock, from and after (he first day of December, to the thirty-first day of May, in each and every year, shall be holden at the court-house in the town of Pearlington, and from the first day of June, to the thirtieth day of November, in each and every year, at the courthouse in the town of Shieldsborough, and at both places above named, at the times heretofore, respectively, prescribed by law.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted\ That the clerks of the several courts and of the board of road commissioners, as ckrk* to aforesaid, except when required to attend the session at Shieldsborough, shall keep their offices, and the records and papers pertaining thereto, in the town of Pearlington.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That in future the jail at Pearlington, or at Shieldsborough, as the sheriff of said county may find most convenient and secure, shall be con- tionan* with sidered the county jail.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That all acts and parts of acts, heretofore passed, inconsistent with the provisions .. of this act, be, and the same is hereby repealed.	cUu»«.
Approved, February 2, 1825.

Hancock County Boundaries-County Seat Places-Of-Holding-Court-1825
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