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Historical Society approves of courthouse renovations
Dear Sir:
The Court House renovation is nearing completion. I toured the building this morning and was greatly impressed with the finished product.
The exterior is tastefully painted and trimmed appropriately for its style and age, and the new elevator tower is compatible and blends comfortably with the rest of the building.
Inside, I found the corridors bright and inviting. Most impressive are the two meeting chambers on the second floor. The larger courtroom is lavishly fitted with mahogany podium, dividers and jury booth. The room is beautifully
lighted and are a real pleasure to enter. The second chamber was in use and I did not intrude but it appeared to be equally attractive.
As a neighbor, I am grateful for the additional parking spaces that have been created. While it is regrettable that this required the loss of some of the original planting and green-space, it is remarkable that at age 93 the building is still so beautiful and serves the city so well. We owe a special debt of gratitude to the Board of Supervisors.
Charles H. Gray, Executive Director Hancock County Historical Society
Present Hancock County courthouse at Bay St. Louis
Created in 1812, Hancock is situated in the coastal southwest corner of Mississippi and is bordered by the Gulf of Mexico on the south, Pearl River (the Louisiana-Mississippi boundary) on the west, and by Harrison and Pearl River counties. The county gets its name from John Hancock, a signer of the Declaration of Independence whose name is also synonymous with the word “signature.”

Hancock County Courthouse Hancock-County-Courthouse-(12)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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